심리학 저널 (Psychology) 논문 임팩트 팩터 (Impact factor) 순위
심리학 (Psychology) 논문 톱저널 임팩트 팩터 (Impact factor, IF) 100위까지 정리 (유명한 논문, 학술지, 저널, 학회, 탑저널)
심리학 (Psychology) 임팩트 팩터 (Impact factor, IF) 기준으로 톱 저널 말씀드릴게요! 2024년 업데이트 해서 2022-2023기준 정보입니다.
참고로 임팩트 팩터(Impact Factor, IF)는 학술지의 영향력을 나타내는 대표 지수예요! 학술지에 실린 논문들이 2년 동안 피인용된 횟수의 평균이라 생각하면 됩니다. 하지만 임팩트 팩터는 절대적인 기준이라고 할 수 없어요! 인용이 많이 된 논문이 꼭 좋은 논문이라고 할 수는 없거든요!
#심리학 논문, 심리학 저널, Psychology Journal, impact factor, 심리학과 논문, 심리학과 학회
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[IF Order] — Title / Impact Factor
Title | IF | |
1 | Annual Review of Psychology | 26.89 |
2 | Psychological Bulletin | 22.27 |
3 | Annual Review of Clinical Psychology | 18.98 |
4 | Nature Human Behaviour | 18.24 |
5 | Psychological Science in the Public Interest | 16.08 |
6 | Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior | 14.53 |
7 | Qualitative Research in Psychology | 14.29 |
8 | Perspectives on Psychological Science | 14.17 |
9 | Technological Forecasting and Social Change | 13.64 |
10 | Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science | 13.09 |
11 | Autism in Adulthood | 13.05 |
12 | Personality and Social Psychology Review | 12.86 |
13 | Clinical Psychology Review | 12.73 |
14 | Human Resource Management Review | 12.68 |
15 | Computers in Human Behavior | 12.27 |
16 | Journal of Anxiety Disorders | 12.14 |
17 | Human Behavior and Emerging TechnologiesOpen Access | 12.09 |
18 | Journal of Vocational Behavior | 12.02 |
19 | International Journal of Consumer Studies | 12 |
20 | Contemporary Educational Psychology | 11.97 |
21 | Journal of Applied Psychology | 11.94 |
22 | Trends in Cognitive Sciences | 11.69 |
23 | International Journal of Clinical and Health PsychologyOpen Access | 11.37 |
24 | American Psychologist | 11.12 |
25 | Health Psychology Review | 11.12 |
26 | Educational Psychology Review | 11.11 |
27 | British Journal of Health Psychology | 10.43 |
28 | Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics | 10.39 |
29 | European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal ContextOpen Access | 10.2 |
30 | Lancet Child and Adolescent Health, The | 10.16 |
31 | Social Issues and Policy Review | 10.11 |
32 | Trauma, Violence, and Abuse | 10.05 |
33 | Asian Journal of Social Health and BehaviorOpen Access | 9.72 |
34 | European Review of Social Psychology | 9.57 |
35 | Applied Psychology | 9.26 |
36 | Educational Psychologist | 8.96 |
37 | Decision Support Systems | 8.69 |
38 | Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being | 8.64 |
39 | Comprehensive PsychiatryOpen Access | 8.62 |
40 | Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy | 8.4 |
41 | Journal of Personality and Social Psychology | 8.17 |
42 | Journal of Behavioral AddictionsOpen Access | 8.06 |
43 | Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews | 8.05 |
44 | Depression and Anxiety | 7.99 |
45 | Leadership Quarterly | 7.93 |
46 | Current Directions in Psychological Science | 7.86 |
47 | Psychology and Marketing | 7.61 |
48 | Psychological Science | 7.58 |
49 | Organizational Psychology Review | 7.54 |
50 | Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health | 7.49 |
51 | Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review | 7.48 |
52 | Journal of Organizational Behavior | 7.46 |
53 | Learning and Instruction | 7.39 |
54 | Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development | 7.25 |
55 | Journal of Environmental Psychology | 7.22 |
56 | European Journal of Personality | 7.21 |
57 | Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines | 7.07 |
58 | British Journal of Social Psychology | 7.02 |
59 | Personnel Psychology | 6.98 |
60 | Human Resource Management | 6.96 |
61 | Current Opinion in Psychology | 6.92 |
62 | Developmental Review | 6.88 |
63 | Journals of Gerontology - Series B Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences | 6.87 |
64 | Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology | 6.83 |
65 | Work and Stress | 6.83 |
66 | Child Development Perspectives | 6.81 |
67 | Applied Developmental Science | 6.75 |
68 | International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology | 6.75 |
69 | Journal of Affective Disorders | 6.69 |
70 | Current Research in Behavioral SciencesOpen Access | 6.63 |
71 | Social Psychological and Personality Science | 6.57 |
72 | Behavior Research Methods | 6.54 |
73 | Psychological Methods | 6.43 |
74 | Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking | 6.41 |
75 | Journal of the Learning Sciences | 6.4 |
76 | Appetite | 6.32 |
77 | Journal of Criminal JusticeOpen Access | 6.3 |
78 | Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology | 6.29 |
79 | Psychological Review | 6.25 |
80 | Autism | 6.14 |
81 | Psychological Medicine | 6.03 |
82 | Neuropsychology Review | 6.02 |
83 | Canadian Psychology | 6 |
84 | Journal of Educational Psychology | 6 |
85 | Journal of Personality | 5.96 |
86 | Open MindOpen Access | 5.89 |
87 | Body Image | 5.87 |
88 | International Journal of Social Robotics | 5.77 |
89 | Journal of Professional Capital and Community | 5.77 |
90 | Human-Computer Interaction | 5.74 |
91 | European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | 5.73 |
92 | Journal of Loss and Trauma | 5.73 |
93 | Journal of Business and Psychology | 5.72 |
94 | Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | 5.71 |
95 | Media Psychology | 5.67 |
96 | Journal of School Psychology | 5.65 |
97 | Journal of Black Psychology, The | 5.63 |
98 | Adolescent Research Review | 5.57 |
99 | Asian Journal of Psychiatry | 5.52 |
100 | Human Communication Research | 5.51 |
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