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[IF Order]
Title / Impact Index
저널 제목 | IF | |
1 | Cell | 43.8 |
2 | Current Protocols in Bioinformatics | 38.26 |
3 | Nature Reviews Cancer | 37.34 |
4 | Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology | 35.47 |
5 | Nature Medicine | 34.67 |
6 | Journal of Bioresources and BioproductsOpen Access | 33.67 |
7 | Physiological Reviews | 32.23 |
8 | Molecular CancerOpen Access | 28.85 |
9 | Drug Resistance Updates | 23.73 |
10 | Nature Catalysis | 22.64 |
11 | Cancer Cell | 21.28 |
12 | Nature Microbiology | 20.94 |
13 | Nature Reviews Methods Primers | 20.89 |
14 | Journal of Hematology and OncologyOpen Access | 20.88 |
15 | Pharmacological Reviews | 20.77 |
16 | Cell Research | 20.64 |
17 | Cell Host and Microbe | 20.53 |
18 | Endocrine Reviews | 20.05 |
19 | Nature Genetics | 19.56 |
20 | Cell Metabolism | 19.45 |
21 | Annual Review of Plant BiologyOpen Access | 19.26 |
22 | Signal Transduction and Targeted TherapyOpen Access | 18.94 |
23 | Bioactive MaterialsOpen Access | 18.56 |
24 | Annual Review of Physiology | 18.17 |
25 | Nature Biomedical Engineering | 17.79 |
26 | Nano Today | 17.65 |
27 | Molecular Plant | 17.37 |
28 | Nature Reviews Genetics | 17.21 |
29 | Annual Review of Biochemistry | 17.13 |
30 | Biotechnology Advances | 16.74 |
31 | Trends in Food Science and Technology | 16.74 |
32 | Nature Biotechnology | 16.35 |
33 | Journal of Clinical Oncology | 16.3 |
34 | Chem | 15.42 |
35 | Nature CommunicationsOpen Access | 15.41 |
36 | Advanced ScienceOpen Access | 15.17 |
37 | Journal of Extracellular VesiclesOpen Access | 14.93 |
38 | Progress in Lipid Research | 14.83 |
39 | Journal of the American Chemical SocietyOpen Access | 14.78 |
40 | Trends in Cell Biology | 14.71 |
41 | Cell DiscoveryOpen Access | 14.58 |
42 | Cell Stem Cell | 14.43 |
43 | Biofuel Research JournalOpen Access | 14.29 |
44 | Nucleic Acids ResearchOpen Access | 14.16 |
45 | Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science | 14.09 |
46 | Medicinal Research Reviews | 14.06 |
47 | Nature Protocols | 13.93 |
48 | Nature Methods | 13.78 |
49 | BiomaterialsOpen Access | 13.74 |
50 | Molecular NeurodegenerationOpen Access | 13.63 |
51 | Biosensors and Bioelectronics | 13.39 |
52 | Seminars in Cancer Biology | 13.3 |
53 | Ageing Research Reviews | 13.28 |
54 | Green Synthesis and CatalysisOpen Access | 13.12 |
55 | Small | 13.11 |
56 | Nature Reviews Endocrinology | 12.99 |
57 | Cytokine and Growth Factor Reviews | 12.8 |
58 | Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology,The | 12.79 |
59 | Nature Metabolism | 12.72 |
60 | Trends in Biotechnology | 12.7 |
61 | Experimental and Molecular MedicineOpen Access | 12.5 |
62 | Annual Review of Biophysics | 12.4 |
63 | Nature Cell Biology | 12.11 |
64 | Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences | 12.06 |
65 | Annual Review of Animal Biosciences | 11.97 |
66 | Cell Reports MedicineOpen Access | 11.97 |
67 | Molecular Cell | 11.86 |
68 | Nature Cancer | 11.84 |
69 | Circulation Research | 11.83 |
70 | Natural Product Reports | 11.68 |
71 | Cell Death and Differentiation | 11.63 |
72 | Critical Reviews in Biotechnology | 11.44 |
73 | Trends in Cancer | 11.28 |
74 | Genome MedicineOpen Access | 11.27 |
75 | Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Reviews on Cancer | 11.09 |
76 | Genome BiologyOpen Access | 11.07 |
77 | Biological Reviews | 10.89 |
78 | Redox BiologyOpen Access | 10.89 |
79 | Annual Review of Medicine | 10.8 |
80 | Plant Biotechnology JournalOpen Access | 10.79 |
81 | Journal of Biomedical ScienceOpen Access | 10.78 |
82 | Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews | 10.69 |
83 | Plant CommunicationsOpen Access | 10.69 |
84 | Soft Robotics | 10.55 |
85 | Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 10.53 |
86 | Annual Review of Genetics | 10.5 |
87 | Bone ResearchOpen Access | 10.5 |
88 | Protein and CellOpen Access | 10.49 |
89 | PLoS MedicineOpen Access | 10.42 |
90 | Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology | 10.33 |
91 | Nature Structural and Molecular Biology | 10.3 |
92 | Journal of Membrane Science | 10.17 |
93 | EMBO Journal | 10 |
94 | Autophagy | 9.87 |
95 | Acta Biomaterialia | 9.8 |
96 | Cancer CommunicationsOpen Access | 9.77 |
97 | Clinical Cancer Research | 9.75 |
98 | International Journal of Biological SciencesOpen Access | 9.7 |
99 | Journal of NanobiotechnologyOpen Access | 9.7 |
100 | Molecular Aspects of Medicine | 9.7 |
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