대기 과학 저널&학회 논문 임팩트 팩터 (Impact factor, IF) 순위
[대기 과학 저널&학회] 임팩트 팩터 (Impact factor, IF) 기준, Atmospheric Environment Science #유명한 논문, 학술지, 저널, 학회, Top Journals, 기상 저널, 대기 저널, 대기환경 논문
임팩트 팩터(Impact Factor, IF)는 학술지의 영향력을 나타내는 대표 지수예요! 학술지에 실린 논문들이 2년 동안 피인용된 횟수의 평균이라 생각하면 됩니다. 하지만 임팩트 팩터는 절대적인 기준이라고 할 수 없어요! 인용이 많이 된 논문이 꼭 좋은 논문이라고 할 수는 없거든요!
[IF Order]
1 Current Climate Change Reports / journal 8.55
2 npj Climate and Atmospheric Science / journal 7.99
3 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change / journal 7.5
4 Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society / journal 6.38
5 Urban Climate / journal 6.16
6 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics / journal 6.12
7 Agricultural and Forest Meteorology / journal 5.79
8 Weather and Climate Extremes / journal 5.75
9 Climate Services / journal 5.68
10 Atmospheric Research / journal 5.35
11 Global Biogeochemical Cycles / journal 5.35
12 Elementa / journal 5.29
13 Space Weather / journal 4.95
14 Atmospheric Environment / journal 4.93
15 Journal of Climate / journal 4.9
16 Geography Compass / journal 4.65
17 IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing / journal 4.54
18 Atmospheric Pollution Research / journal 4.5
19 Climatic Change / journal 4.39
20 Climate Policy / journal 4.37
21 Climate Risk Management / journal 4.36
22 Atmospheric Measurement Techniques / journal 4.28
23 Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate / journal 4.28
24 Journal of Hydrometeorology / journal 4.22
25 Climate Dynamics / journal 3.98
26 Monthly Weather Review / journal 3.96
27 Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society / journal 3.79
28 International Journal of Climatology / journal 3.78
29 European Journal of Remote Sensing / journal 3.71
30 Meteorological Monographs / journal 3.71
31 Ocean Modelling / journal 3.66
32 ACS Earth and Space Chemistry / journal 3.64
33 Atmospheric Environment: X / journal 3.63
34 Advances in Climate Change Research / journal 3.59
35 Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health / journal 3.51
36 International Journal of Biometeorology / journal 3.47
37 Journal of Aerosol Science / journal 3.44
38 Weather and Forecasting / journal 3.22
39 Journals of the Atmospheric Sciences / journal 3.17
40 Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology / journal 3.13
41 Theoretical and Applied Climatology / journal 3.02
42 Natural Hazards / journal 3.01
43 Boundary-Layer Meteorology / journal 2.96
44 Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology / journal 2.9
45 Weather, Climate, and Society / journal 2.9
46 Advances in Atmospheric Sciences / journal 2.86
47 ATMOSPHERE / journal 2.68
48 Climate / journal 2.66
49 Advances in Space Research / journal 2.65
50 Journal of Hydroinformatics / journal 2.38
[글쓴이 소개]
서강대학교 수학&심리 복수전공 최우등 졸업
KAIST 마케팅 전공 석사 최우등 졸업, 박사과정 수료
#대기환경 논문 순위, 대기과학 저널 순위, 대기 저널 순위, 기상 분야, Atmospheric Environment, Atmospheric Science, imact factor, 대기환경