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경제학 및 계량경제학 Economics and Econometrics 임팩트 팩터 (Impact factor, IF) 기준 논문 순위

Eager_Beaver_PhD 2024. 2. 27. 19:28

경제학 및 계량경제학 Economics and Econometrics 임팩트 팩터 (Impact factor, IF) 기준 논문 2024기준으로 top 200개 가져왔습니다.


경제학 및 계량경제학 임팩트 팩터 (Impact factor, IF) 기준 학술지 순위



임팩트 팩터(Impact factor; IF)는 저널의 영향력과 중요도를 나타내는 지수인 것 아시죠? 저널에 출판된 논문들이 n년 동안 인용된 평균 횟수를 통해 저널의 영향력을 알아볼 수 있는 지표 중 하나입니다. n년은 설정하기 나름인데 2년을 많이 보는 것 같아요.

물론 임팩트 팩터(Impact factor; IF)는 절대적인 기준이라고 할 수 없습니다. 인용이 많이 된 논문이 꼭 좋은 논문이라고 할 수는 없습니다.

정말 좋은 학술지가 무엇인지 알아보시려면 해당 분야 전문가에게 물어 인정 받는 학술지를 찾아보는 것을 추천드려요.

오늘은 경제학 및 계량 경제학 저널을 impact factor순으로 200개 모아봤습니다. 글 하단에 유용한 글들 많이많이 적어두었으니 한번 참고해보세요!


경제학 및 계량경제학 학술지 임팩트팩터


경제학 및 계량경제학 학술지 영향력 지수 순위


  경제학 및 계량경제학 학술지 IF
1 Journal of Innovation and KnowledgeOpen Access 20.31
2 Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 19.94
3 Quarterly Journal of Economics 14.83
4 Resources, Conservation and Recycling AdvancesOpen Access 13.75
5 International Journal of Production Economics 13.49
6 Resources, Conservation and Recycling 13.22
7 Review of Asset Pricing Studies 13.21
8 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 12.75
9 Energy Economics 12.54
10 Journal of Marketing 12.42
11 Review of Corporate Finance Studies 12.39
12 International Journal of Consumer Studies 12
13 Journal of Economic Literature 11.93
14 Journal of International Business Studies 11.76
15 World Bank Research Observer 11.08
16 Journal of Public Economics 10.6
17 Resources Policy 10.59
18 Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 10.48
19 American Economic Review 9.78
20 Review of Financial Studies 9.54
21 Electronic Markets 9.52
22 International Review of Financial Analysis 8.98
23 Journal of Population Economics 8.89
24 Small Business Economics 8.67
25 Journal of Financial Economics 8.5
26 Journal of Economic Perspectives 8.43
27 Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 8.42
28 Journal of Business Ethics 8.11
29 Journal of Political Economy 8.11
30 Australasian Marketing Journal 7.69
31 Internet Research 7.51
32 Fiscal Studies 7.44
33 Journal of Family Business Strategy 7.42
34 Oxford Review of Economic Policy 7.37
35 European Research on Management and Business EconomicsOpen Access 7.36
36 Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 7.22
37 World Development 7.22
38 Journal of Finance 7.14
39 China Economic Review 7.03
40 Economic Analysis and Policy 7.02
41 Food Policy 6.99
42 Journal of Consumer Research 6.82
43 Ecological Economics 6.78
44 Journal of Public Policy and Marketing 6.7
45 Review of Economics of the Household 6.56
46 Telecommunications Policy 6.46
47 Journal of Corporate Finance 6.43
48 Journal of Economic Surveys 6.42
49 Journal of Innovation and EntrepreneurshipOpen Access 6.42
50 Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 6.39
51 Journal of Industrial Ecology 6.35
52 Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 6.33
53 Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 6.31
54 Environmental and Resource Economics 6.28
55 Annual Review of Resource Economics 6.13
56 Journal of Marketing Research 6.13
57 Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 6.08
58 Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 6.07
59 Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic PolicyOpen Access 6.04
60 Journal of Urban Economics 5.97
61 International Marketing Review 5.95
62 Economic Geography 5.68
63 Journal of Accounting and Economics 5.66
64 Borsa Istanbul ReviewOpen Access 5.62
65 Environment, Development and Sustainability 5.6
66 Annual Review of Economics 5.55
67 Review of Economics and Statistics 5.52
68 Feminist Economics 5.49
69 Journal of Econometrics 5.48
70 Journal of Industrial and Business Economics 5.48
71 Journal of Financial Intermediation 5.44
72 Journal of International Marketing 5.42
73 Review of International Political Economy 5.4
74 China Agricultural Economic Review 5.33
75 Econometrica 5.28
76 Journal of Development Economics 5.28
77 Eurasian Geography and Economics 5.23
78 International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship 5.23
79 Pacific Basin Finance Journal 5.2
80 Review of Economic Studies 5.2
81 Economic Modelling 5.17
82 Marketing Science 5.08
83 Accounting Review 5.03
84 Global Finance Journal 5.03
85 American Journal of Agricultural Economics 4.95
86 Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 4.9
87 Emerging Markets Review 4.88
88 International Journal of Agricultural SustainabilityOpen Access 4.86
89 Review of Finance 4.86
90 AgBioForumOpen Access 4.82
91 International Review of Economics and Finance 4.77
92 Journal of Accounting Research 4.77
93 Work, Employment and Society 4.77
94 Cleaner and Responsible ConsumptionOpen Access 4.67
95 Economic Research-Ekonomska IstrazivanjaOpen Access 4.65
96 Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 4.65
97 Journal of Enterprising Communities 4.61
98 Journal of Multinational Financial Management 4.53
99 International Journal of Electronic Commerce 4.52
100 Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 4.51
101 Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 4.5
102 Review of International Organizations 4.47
103 Forest Policy and Economics 4.46
104 Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management 4.46
105 Journal of Economic StructuresOpen Access 4.41
106 Agricultural Economics (United Kingdom) 4.37
107 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 4.33
108 International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 4.29
109 Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 4.28
110 Journal of Economics and Business 4.25
111 Journal of Commodity Markets 4.24
112 Marine Policy 4.24
113 Utilities Policy 4.23
114 Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 4.18
115 Journal of Agricultural Economics 4.16
116 Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 4.16
117 Innovation Policy and the Economy 4.14
118 Business Ethics Quarterly 4.13
119 Journal of Banking and Finance 4.11
120 European Accounting Review 4.07
121 North American Journal of Economics and Finance 4.04
122 Economy and Society 4.03
123 Journal of Policy Modeling 4.03
124 Swiss Journal of Economics and StatisticsOpen Access 4
125 Contemporary Accounting Research 3.97
126 Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 3.94
127 Economic Change and Restructuring 3.9
128 Journal of the Knowledge Economy 3.9
129 Agribusiness 3.88
130 Agricultural and Food EconomicsOpen Access 3.87
131 Journal of Monetary Economics 3.85
132 Marketing Letters 3.83
133 Journal of Forecasting 3.78
134 Economic and Political Studies 3.69
135 Journal of Finance and Data ScienceOpen Access 3.69
136 Journal of Social Entrepreneurship 3.67
137 International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 3.66
138 Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 3.61
139 Journal of Labor Economics 3.59
140 Business Ethics, Environment and Responsibility 3.57
141 Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 3.57
142 Applied Health Economics and Health Policy 3.52
143 European Review of Agricultural Economics 3.51
144 International Journal of Market Research 3.49
145 Regional Statistics 3.48
146 MIS Quarterly Executive 3.47
147 Science Technology and Human Values 3.46
148 Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 3.41
149 Frontiers in Energy ResearchOpen Access 3.4
150 Journal of Consumer Culture 3.39
151 Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies 3.35
152 Journal of Economic Psychology 3.34
153 Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 3.33
154 Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship 3.31
155 Economic Systems 3.3
156 Journal of Human Resources 3.29
157 International Journal of Disclosure and Governance 3.25
158 Journal of Entrepreneurship 3.22
159 Journal of International Economics 3.22
160 International Journal of Finance and Economics 3.19
161 Regional Science and Urban Economics 3.18
162 Consumption Markets and Culture 3.16
163 Transnational Corporations Review 3.16
164 Economic Journal 3.15
165 Journal of Geographical Systems 3.15
166 BRQ Business Research QuarterlyOpen Access 3.14
167 Social Marketing Quarterly 3.14
168 Financial Management 3.11
169 Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 3.08
170 Engineering EconomicsOpen Access 3.03
171 Journal of Financial Econometrics 3.01
172 Annual Review of Financial Economics 3
173 Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis 3
174 Real Estate Economics 2.99
175 European Economic Review 2.95
176 Journal of Family and Economic Issues 2.95
177 Asian Journal of Technology Innovation 2.94
178 Journal of Asian Economics 2.91
179 International Journal of Ethics and Systems 2.86
180 Journal of Economic Geography 2.86
181 Marine Resource Economics 2.86
182 Resources and Energy Economics 2.86
183 International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social SciencesOpen Access 2.84
184 Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social ScienceOpen Access 2.84
185 Journal of Global Economic Analysis 2.82
186 Journal of Risk and Financial ManagementOpen Access 2.82
187 Journal of Business Economics and ManagementOpen Access 2.81
188 Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction 2.81
189 Journal of Financial Markets 2.81
190 Foundations and Trends in Marketing 2.8
191 Journal of Empirical Finance 2.8
192 Journal of Comparative Economics 2.79
193 Auditing 2.77
194 New England Journal of EntrepreneurshipOpen Access 2.75
195 Economic and Labour Relations Review 2.73
196 Water Resources and Economics 2.73
197 Journal of Common Market Studies 2.72
198 Asian Economic Papers 2.71
199 Foundations and Trends in Econometrics 2.67
200 German Journal of Agricultural Economics 2.67



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