경제학 및 계량경제학 Economics and Econometrics 임팩트 팩터 (Impact factor, IF) 기준 논문 2024기준으로 top 200개 가져왔습니다.
경제학 및 계량경제학 임팩트 팩터 (Impact factor, IF) 기준 학술지 순위
임팩트 팩터(Impact factor; IF)는 저널의 영향력과 중요도를 나타내는 지수인 것 아시죠? 저널에 출판된 논문들이 n년 동안 인용된 평균 횟수를 통해 저널의 영향력을 알아볼 수 있는 지표 중 하나입니다. n년은 설정하기 나름인데 2년을 많이 보는 것 같아요.
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오늘은 경제학 및 계량 경제학 저널을 impact factor순으로 200개 모아봤습니다. 글 하단에 유용한 글들 많이많이 적어두었으니 한번 참고해보세요!
경제학 및 계량경제학 학술지 영향력 지수 순위
경제학 및 계량경제학 학술지 | IF | |
1 | Journal of Innovation and KnowledgeOpen Access | 20.31 |
2 | Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science | 19.94 |
3 | Quarterly Journal of Economics | 14.83 |
4 | Resources, Conservation and Recycling AdvancesOpen Access | 13.75 |
5 | International Journal of Production Economics | 13.49 |
6 | Resources, Conservation and Recycling | 13.22 |
7 | Review of Asset Pricing Studies | 13.21 |
8 | Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice | 12.75 |
9 | Energy Economics | 12.54 |
10 | Journal of Marketing | 12.42 |
11 | Review of Corporate Finance Studies | 12.39 |
12 | International Journal of Consumer Studies | 12 |
13 | Journal of Economic Literature | 11.93 |
14 | Journal of International Business Studies | 11.76 |
15 | World Bank Research Observer | 11.08 |
16 | Journal of Public Economics | 10.6 |
17 | Resources Policy | 10.59 |
18 | Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics | 10.48 |
19 | American Economic Review | 9.78 |
20 | Review of Financial Studies | 9.54 |
21 | Electronic Markets | 9.52 |
22 | International Review of Financial Analysis | 8.98 |
23 | Journal of Population Economics | 8.89 |
24 | Small Business Economics | 8.67 |
25 | Journal of Financial Economics | 8.5 |
26 | Journal of Economic Perspectives | 8.43 |
27 | Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy | 8.42 |
28 | Journal of Business Ethics | 8.11 |
29 | Journal of Political Economy | 8.11 |
30 | Australasian Marketing Journal | 7.69 |
31 | Internet Research | 7.51 |
32 | Fiscal Studies | 7.44 |
33 | Journal of Family Business Strategy | 7.42 |
34 | Oxford Review of Economic Policy | 7.37 |
35 | European Research on Management and Business EconomicsOpen Access | 7.36 |
36 | Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal | 7.22 |
37 | World Development | 7.22 |
38 | Journal of Finance | 7.14 |
39 | China Economic Review | 7.03 |
40 | Economic Analysis and Policy | 7.02 |
41 | Food Policy | 6.99 |
42 | Journal of Consumer Research | 6.82 |
43 | Ecological Economics | 6.78 |
44 | Journal of Public Policy and Marketing | 6.7 |
45 | Review of Economics of the Household | 6.56 |
46 | Telecommunications Policy | 6.46 |
47 | Journal of Corporate Finance | 6.43 |
48 | Journal of Economic Surveys | 6.42 |
49 | Journal of Innovation and EntrepreneurshipOpen Access | 6.42 |
50 | Socio-Economic Planning Sciences | 6.39 |
51 | Journal of Industrial Ecology | 6.35 |
52 | Entrepreneurship and Regional Development | 6.33 |
53 | Structural Change and Economic Dynamics | 6.31 |
54 | Environmental and Resource Economics | 6.28 |
55 | Annual Review of Resource Economics | 6.13 |
56 | Journal of Marketing Research | 6.13 |
57 | Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies | 6.08 |
58 | Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie | 6.07 |
59 | Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic PolicyOpen Access | 6.04 |
60 | Journal of Urban Economics | 5.97 |
61 | International Marketing Review | 5.95 |
62 | Economic Geography | 5.68 |
63 | Journal of Accounting and Economics | 5.66 |
64 | Borsa Istanbul ReviewOpen Access | 5.62 |
65 | Environment, Development and Sustainability | 5.6 |
66 | Annual Review of Economics | 5.55 |
67 | Review of Economics and Statistics | 5.52 |
68 | Feminist Economics | 5.49 |
69 | Journal of Econometrics | 5.48 |
70 | Journal of Industrial and Business Economics | 5.48 |
71 | Journal of Financial Intermediation | 5.44 |
72 | Journal of International Marketing | 5.42 |
73 | Review of International Political Economy | 5.4 |
74 | China Agricultural Economic Review | 5.33 |
75 | Econometrica | 5.28 |
76 | Journal of Development Economics | 5.28 |
77 | Eurasian Geography and Economics | 5.23 |
78 | International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship | 5.23 |
79 | Pacific Basin Finance Journal | 5.2 |
80 | Review of Economic Studies | 5.2 |
81 | Economic Modelling | 5.17 |
82 | Marketing Science | 5.08 |
83 | Accounting Review | 5.03 |
84 | Global Finance Journal | 5.03 |
85 | American Journal of Agricultural Economics | 4.95 |
86 | Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy | 4.9 |
87 | Emerging Markets Review | 4.88 |
88 | International Journal of Agricultural SustainabilityOpen Access | 4.86 |
89 | Review of Finance | 4.86 |
90 | AgBioForumOpen Access | 4.82 |
91 | International Review of Economics and Finance | 4.77 |
92 | Journal of Accounting Research | 4.77 |
93 | Work, Employment and Society | 4.77 |
94 | Cleaner and Responsible ConsumptionOpen Access | 4.67 |
95 | Economic Research-Ekonomska IstrazivanjaOpen Access | 4.65 |
96 | Journal of Risk and Uncertainty | 4.65 |
97 | Journal of Enterprising Communities | 4.61 |
98 | Journal of Multinational Financial Management | 4.53 |
99 | International Journal of Electronic Commerce | 4.52 |
100 | Review of Environmental Economics and Policy | 4.51 |
101 | Journal of Environmental Economics and Management | 4.5 |
102 | Review of International Organizations | 4.47 |
103 | Forest Policy and Economics | 4.46 |
104 | Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management | 4.46 |
105 | Journal of Economic StructuresOpen Access | 4.41 |
106 | Agricultural Economics (United Kingdom) | 4.37 |
107 | Brookings Papers on Economic Activity | 4.33 |
108 | International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research | 4.29 |
109 | Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money | 4.28 |
110 | Journal of Economics and Business | 4.25 |
111 | Journal of Commodity Markets | 4.24 |
112 | Marine Policy | 4.24 |
113 | Utilities Policy | 4.23 |
114 | Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society | 4.18 |
115 | Journal of Agricultural Economics | 4.16 |
116 | Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis | 4.16 |
117 | Innovation Policy and the Economy | 4.14 |
118 | Business Ethics Quarterly | 4.13 |
119 | Journal of Banking and Finance | 4.11 |
120 | European Accounting Review | 4.07 |
121 | North American Journal of Economics and Finance | 4.04 |
122 | Economy and Society | 4.03 |
123 | Journal of Policy Modeling | 4.03 |
124 | Swiss Journal of Economics and StatisticsOpen Access | 4 |
125 | Contemporary Accounting Research | 3.97 |
126 | Journal of Business and Economic Statistics | 3.94 |
127 | Economic Change and Restructuring | 3.9 |
128 | Journal of the Knowledge Economy | 3.9 |
129 | Agribusiness | 3.88 |
130 | Agricultural and Food EconomicsOpen Access | 3.87 |
131 | Journal of Monetary Economics | 3.85 |
132 | Marketing Letters | 3.83 |
133 | Journal of Forecasting | 3.78 |
134 | Economic and Political Studies | 3.69 |
135 | Journal of Finance and Data ScienceOpen Access | 3.69 |
136 | Journal of Social Entrepreneurship | 3.67 |
137 | International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics | 3.66 |
138 | Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics | 3.61 |
139 | Journal of Labor Economics | 3.59 |
140 | Business Ethics, Environment and Responsibility | 3.57 |
141 | Journal of the Japanese and International Economies | 3.57 |
142 | Applied Health Economics and Health Policy | 3.52 |
143 | European Review of Agricultural Economics | 3.51 |
144 | International Journal of Market Research | 3.49 |
145 | Regional Statistics | 3.48 |
146 | MIS Quarterly Executive | 3.47 |
147 | Science Technology and Human Values | 3.46 |
148 | Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance | 3.41 |
149 | Frontiers in Energy ResearchOpen Access | 3.4 |
150 | Journal of Consumer Culture | 3.39 |
151 | Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies | 3.35 |
152 | Journal of Economic Psychology | 3.34 |
153 | Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists | 3.33 |
154 | Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship | 3.31 |
155 | Economic Systems | 3.3 |
156 | Journal of Human Resources | 3.29 |
157 | International Journal of Disclosure and Governance | 3.25 |
158 | Journal of Entrepreneurship | 3.22 |
159 | Journal of International Economics | 3.22 |
160 | International Journal of Finance and Economics | 3.19 |
161 | Regional Science and Urban Economics | 3.18 |
162 | Consumption Markets and Culture | 3.16 |
163 | Transnational Corporations Review | 3.16 |
164 | Economic Journal | 3.15 |
165 | Journal of Geographical Systems | 3.15 |
166 | BRQ Business Research QuarterlyOpen Access | 3.14 |
167 | Social Marketing Quarterly | 3.14 |
168 | Financial Management | 3.11 |
169 | Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics | 3.08 |
170 | Engineering EconomicsOpen Access | 3.03 |
171 | Journal of Financial Econometrics | 3.01 |
172 | Annual Review of Financial Economics | 3 |
173 | Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis | 3 |
174 | Real Estate Economics | 2.99 |
175 | European Economic Review | 2.95 |
176 | Journal of Family and Economic Issues | 2.95 |
177 | Asian Journal of Technology Innovation | 2.94 |
178 | Journal of Asian Economics | 2.91 |
179 | International Journal of Ethics and Systems | 2.86 |
180 | Journal of Economic Geography | 2.86 |
181 | Marine Resource Economics | 2.86 |
182 | Resources and Energy Economics | 2.86 |
183 | International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social SciencesOpen Access | 2.84 |
184 | Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social ScienceOpen Access | 2.84 |
185 | Journal of Global Economic Analysis | 2.82 |
186 | Journal of Risk and Financial ManagementOpen Access | 2.82 |
187 | Journal of Business Economics and ManagementOpen Access | 2.81 |
188 | Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction | 2.81 |
189 | Journal of Financial Markets | 2.81 |
190 | Foundations and Trends in Marketing | 2.8 |
191 | Journal of Empirical Finance | 2.8 |
192 | Journal of Comparative Economics | 2.79 |
193 | Auditing | 2.77 |
194 | New England Journal of EntrepreneurshipOpen Access | 2.75 |
195 | Economic and Labour Relations Review | 2.73 |
196 | Water Resources and Economics | 2.73 |
197 | Journal of Common Market Studies | 2.72 |
198 | Asian Economic Papers | 2.71 |
199 | Foundations and Trends in Econometrics | 2.67 |
200 | German Journal of Agricultural Economics | 2.67 |
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'🎓 "톱"저널 정리 (논문 학술지)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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