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마케팅 근시안 Marketing Myopia?

by Eager_Beaver_PhD 2021. 9. 4.

마케팅 근시안 Marketing Myopia? Levitt, T. (1960) Marketing Myopia. Havard Business Review



그동안 박사 자격시험을 준비하면서 정리한 내용을 하나씩 풀어보려 합니다! 주로 유명한 마케팅 논문들이 업로드될 예정입니다. 이번 논문은 Marketing Strategy 중에서도 Marketing Classics에 해당되는 논문 "핵심 요약"입니다.



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Sustained growth depends on how broadly you define your business — and how carefully you gauge your customers’ needs







Background: failure of management → Growth Risk


In every case, the reason growth is threatened, slowed, or stopped is not because the market is saturated. It is because there has been a failure of management.





What business are you really in? — Fateful Purposes


A seemingly obvious question—but one we should all ask before demand for our companies’ products or services dwindles.

The failure is at the top — those who deal with broad aims and policies


e.g. Railroads

  • The railroads failed to ask this same question—and stopped growing.
    1. railroad business → providing product
    2. transportation business.→ transportation needs
  • The reason the railroad defined their industry incorrectly was that they were
    • railroad oriented instead of transportation oriented;
      • they were product oriented instead of customer oriented.




Shadow of Obsolescence


“growth industry.”

  • e.g. Dry Cleaning ↓ ∵ synthetic fibers and chemical additives

We put our businesses at risk of obsolescence when we accept any of the following myths



Myth 1 — population ↑


Myth 1: An ever-expanding and more affluent population will ensure our growth.

  • When markets are expanding, we often assume we don’t have to think imaginatively about our businesses. Instead, we seek to outdo rivals simply by improving on what we’re already doing. The consequence: We increase the efficiency of making our products, rather than boosting the value those products deliver to customers.

The belief that growth is assured by an expanding and more affluent population;




Myth 2 — no competitive substitute?


Myth 2: There is no competitive substitute for our industry’s major product.

  • Believing that our products have no rivals makes our companies vulnerable to dramatic innovations from outside our industries—often by smaller, newer companies that are focusing on customer needs rather than the products themselves.




Myth 1 & 2

e.g, petroleum industry, oil, railroads, buggy whip manufactures, big movie companies
자동차 긴 안테나


the petroleum business is a distressing example of how complacency and wrongheadedness can stubbornly convert opportunity into near disaster


The point of all this is that there is no guarantee against product obsolescence.


Myth 3 — declining unit costs, mass production protects us?


Myth 3: We can protect ourselves through mass production.

  • Few of us can resist the prospect of the increased profits that come with steeply declining unit costs. But focusing on mass production emphasizes our company’s needs—when we should be emphasizing our customers’.

Production Pressures

  • Production → Marketing? vs Marketing → Production (O)
    • The marketing effort is still viewed as a necessary consequence of the product—not vice versa, as it should be.
    • That is the legacy of mass production, with its parochial view that profit resides essentially in low-cost full production.
    • producing goods and services, not customer satisfactions
  • Product Provincialism e.g., Ford car





Myth 4 — R&D = growth? — Preoccupation with a product, Danger of R&D


Myth 4: Technical research and development will ensure our growth.

  • When R&D produces breakthrough products, we may be tempted to organize our companies around the technology rather than the consumer. Instead, we should remain focused on satisfying customer needs.


When top management is wholly transfixed by the profit possibilities of technical research and development


"unless a leader knows where he is going, any road will take him there"
적어도 방향은 알아야!

  • organization must learn to think of itself not as producing goods or services but as buying customers, as doing the things that will make people want to do business with it



논문자료정리 노하우 공개! Dynalist로 선행 연구 정리하기 (논문 작성, 다이날리스트, notion, 노션)


논문자료정리 노하우 공개! Dynalist로 선행 연구 정리하기 (논문 작성, 다이날리스트, notion, 노션)

📝 논문 자료 정리 노하우 공개!  Dynalist로 선행 연구 정리하기 (논문 작성, 다이날리스트, notion, 노션) "노션(notion) 저리 가라! Workflowy(워크플로위)저리 가라! Evernote(에버노트), 원노..










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