[의료 정보학 분야 우수 저널&학회] 임팩트 팩터 (Impact factor, IF) 기준 저널 학술지 순위 (Health Informatics)
[의료 정보학 Health Informatics 분야 우수 저널 학회 - 탑저널] 임팩트 팩터 (Impact factor, IF) 기준, H index 기준으로 말씀드릴게요!
임팩트 팩터(Impact Factor, IF)는 학술지의 영향력을 나타내는 대표 지수예요! 학술지에 실린 논문들이 2년 동안 피인용된 횟수의 평균이라 생각하면 됩니다. 하지만 임팩트 팩터는 절대적인 기준이라고 할 수 없어요! 인용이 많이 된 논문이 꼭 좋은 논문이라고 할 수는 없거든요!
인공지능 AI 의료의 부상이 불러올 문제점과 의사 미래 전망
인공지능 AI 의료의 부상이 불러올 문제점과 의사 미래 전망
"인공지능 AI 의료의 부상!" 최신 인공지능 AI 모델은 진단 정확도가 계속 높아져 의료에 혁신을 가져오고 있습니다. 하지만, 인간 의사와 경쟁하게 되어 미래 의사들의 직업 전망을 어둡게 만들
[IF Order]
1 Medical Image Analysis 13.28
2 Journal of Biomedical Informatics 7.05
3 Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 6.54
4 GigaScience 6.52
5 Implementation Science 6.3
6 Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 6.27
7 Computers in Biology and Medicine 5.59
8 JMIR mHealth and uHealth 5.24
9 Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 4.9
10 Journal of Medical Internet Research 4.84
11 International Journal of Medical Informatics 4.82
12 Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA 4.69
13 Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 4.48
14 BMC Medical Research Methodology 4.4
15 Internet Interventions 4.14
16 Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 3.37
17 Journal of Biomedical Semantics 3.24
18 BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 3.18
19 Journal of Healthcare Engineering 3.06
20 Digital Health 3.02
21 Health Informatics Journal 3.01
22 JCO clinical cancer informatics 2.95
23 Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 2.87
24 Smart Health 2.71
25 Informatics for Health and Social Care 2.67
26 Healthcare Technology Letters 2.58
27 Preventive Medicine Reports 2.5
28 Journal of Biomedical Informatics: X 2.46
29 Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes 2.37
30 Methods of Information in Medicine 2.34
31 Applied Clinical Informatics 2.29
32 Interdisciplinary sciences, computational life sciences 2.21
33 International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications 2.11
34 Health Information Management Journal 2.05
35 International Journal of Population Data Science 1.68
36 Journal of Medical Signals and Sensors 1.64
37 Health Systems 1.63
38 Learning Health Systems 1.58
39 Journal of the Egyptian Public Health Association, The 1.44
40 Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express 1.39
41 Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research 1.27
42 Open Bioinformatics Journal 0.92
43 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology 0.89
44 International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications 0.86
45 Technology and Disability 0.82
46 npj Digital Medicine 0.67
47 Biostatistics and Epidemiology 0.64
48 International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications 0.37
49 International Journal of Electronic Healthcare 0.19
50 Journal of Education and Community Health 0
이번에는 H index 기준 순위입니다!
H-index는 특정 연구자의 연구성과 및 영향력을 평가하기 위한 지표로 유명합니다. 이 지표는 단순히 논문이 평균적으로 인용된 숫자만 따지는 것이 아니라 그런 논문을 얼마나 출판했는지 까지 고려합니다. 즉 질과 양을 모두 챙겨야 좋은 평점을 받을 수 있습니다.
저널에 적용시켜도 똑같습니다. 질 좋은 저널을 얼마나 많이 출판하는지 나타내는 지표라고 볼 수 있어요!
(H index가 40이라는 것은 어떤 저널에 출판된 논문들을 보니 최소 40개의 연구들이 40회 정도 인용이 되더라!라는 의미라고 하네요.)
[H index Order]
1 Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA 150
2 Journal of Medical Internet Research 142
3 Medical Image Analysis 135
4 BMC Medical Research Methodology 121
5 International Journal of Medical Informatics 106
6 Journal of Biomedical Informatics 103
7 Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 102
8 Implementation Science 100
9 Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 94
10 Computers in Biology and Medicine 94
11 Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 76
12 BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 73
13 Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 72
14 Methods of Information in Medicine 62
15 GigaScience 54
16 JMIR mHealth and uHealth 50
17 Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 46
18 Health Informatics Journal 39
19 Informatics for Health and Social Care 38
20 Journal of Biomedical Semantics 36
21 Technology and Disability 35
22 Internet Interventions 31
23 Preventive Medicine Reports 31
24 Journal of Healthcare Engineering 29
25 International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications 27
26 Applied Clinical Informatics 27
27 International Journal of Electronic Healthcare 22
28 Health Information Management Journal 22
29 Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 21
30 Journal of Medical Signals and Sensors 21
31 Interdisciplinary sciences, computational life sciences 19
32 Healthcare Technology Letters 19
33 Journal of the Egyptian Public Health Association, The 17
34 Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express 16
35 International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications 16
36 Health Systems 13
37 International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications 12
38 JCO clinical cancer informatics 12
39 npj Digital Medicine 11
40 Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes 10
41 Smart Health 9
42 Learning Health Systems 9
43 Open Bioinformatics Journal 8
44 Digital Health 8
45 International Journal of Population Data Science 7
46 Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research 6
47 Biostatistics and Epidemiology 5
48 Journal of Biomedical Informatics: X 3
49 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology 3
50 Journal of Education and Community Health 1
[글쓴이 소개]
서강대학교 수학&심리 복수전공 최우등 졸업
KAIST 마케팅 전공 석사 최우등 졸업, 박사과정 수료
#의료정보학, 톱저널, 헬스정보학, health informatics, nursing informatics, medical informatics
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