Ramani & Kumar (2008). Interaction orientation and firm performance. Journal of marketing
박사 자격시험을 준비하면서 정리한 내용을 하나씩 풀고 있습니다. 유명한 마케팅 논문들을 업로드하고 있습니다. Marketing Strategy 중에서도 Relationship and B2B marketing에 해당되는 두번째 논문 "핵심 요약"입니다.
Ramani, G., & Kumar, V. (2008). Interaction orientation and firm performance. Journal of marketing, 72(1), 27-45.
- Interaction orientation definition
- An interaction orientation reflects a firm's ability
- to interact with its individual customers and
- to take advantage of information obtained from them through successive interactions
- to achieve profitable customer relationships.
- An interaction orientation reflects a firm's ability
- Figure 1. The Customer-Level Consequences of Interaction Orientation
- consequences of an interaction orientation on two groups of customer-centric performance measures
- Components of interaction orientation
indicate where a firm is headed in its efforts to manage customer relations- customer concept
- The customer concept is characterized by the individual customer as the starting point for marketing activities (Hoekstra, Leeflang, and Wittink 1999). We define the customer concept as the belief that prescribes the unit of analysis of every marketing action and reaction to be the individual customer.
개개인 단위로 규정
- The customer concept is characterized by the individual customer as the starting point for marketing activities (Hoekstra, Leeflang, and Wittink 1999). We define the customer concept as the belief that prescribes the unit of analysis of every marketing action and reaction to be the individual customer.
- interaction response capacity
- Capacity Interaction response capacity represents the degree to which the firm offers successive products, services, and relationship experiences to each customer by dynamically incorporating feedback from previous behavioral responses of that specific customer and of other customers collectively. Thus, it reflects the ability of a firm's systems to respond to heterogeneous customers differently and also to each individual customer differently at different points in time by pooling information from multiple sources and points in time.
- customer empowerment
- reflects the extent to which a firm provides its customers avenues(방안) to
- (1) connect with the firm and actively shape the nature of transactions and
- (2) connect and collaborate with each other by sharing information; praise; criticism; suggestions; and ideas about its products, services, and policies
- reflects the extent to which a firm provides its customers avenues(방안) to
- customer value management
- customer concept
- Customer-centric performance measure
- (1) customer-based relational performance
- customer satisfaction, customer ownership, and positive word of mouth,
- (2) customer-based profit performance
- which consists of the
- successful identification of profitable customers,
- efficiency of the acquisition and retention process, and
- conversion of unprofitable customers to profitable ones.
- which consists of the
- (1) customer-based relational performance
- Hypothesis
Interaction orientation —(+)→
✓ two customer-based performance measures
✓ positive relationship between customer-based relational performance and customer-based profit performance- Our hypotheses posit a positive primary impact of interaction orientation on the two customer-based performance measures and a positive relationship between customer-based relational performance and customer-based profit performance.
- Five antecedents of interaction orientation
- the extent of dependence on patents and trademarks for success,
- the extent of institutional pressures to adopt interactive technologies,
- the extent to which an employee reward system is based on customer-centric performance measures,
- the degree of outsourcing expertise possessed by the firm,
- and whether the firm operates in the business-to-business industry.
- Interaction orientation → customer-level & aggregate-level performance measures.
- Moderating effects on interaction orientation-performance linkage: customer-initiated contacts & competitive intensity
- customer-initiated contacts
- A stringent measure of customers' acknowledgment of a firm's attempt to forge a genuine relationship would be the extent to which a firm's customers initiate communications with the firm.
- competitive intensity
- high competitive intensity
- competitors erode a firm's product-based advantage by imitating or improving the product offerings.
- Firms that possess a high level of inter-action orientation are likely to differentiate themselves from their competition not in terms of products but rather by focusing on individual customers' characteristics and needs.
- As competitive intensity increases, the effect of interaction orientation on customer satisfaction, customer ownership, and positive word of mouth should increase.
- high competitive intensity
- customer-initiated contacts
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