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Convergent products: what functionalities add more value to the base?

by Eager_Beaver_PhD 2021. 9. 25.

Gill, T. (2008) Convergent products: what functionalities add more value to the base? Journal of Marketing


박사 자격시험을 준비하면서 정리한 내용을 하나씩 풀고 있습니다. 유명한 마케팅 논문들을 업로드하고 있습니다. Marketing Strategy 중에서도 Technology and marketing에 해당되는 논문 "핵심 요약"입니다.


Gill, T. (2008). Convergent products: what functionalities add more value to the base?. Journal of Marketing, 72(2), 46-62.


위 논문 말고도 아래 3가지 논문들이 Tech and marketing 논문에 해당되는데 마지막에 급작스럽게 시험 범위에서 제외되어서 PASS!


Prahalad, C. K. (1990). Hamel,“The Core Competencies of the Corporation”. Harvard Business Review.

Aboulnasr, K., Narasimhan, O., Blair, E., & Chandy, R. (2008). Competitive response to radical product innovations. Journal of Marketing, 72(3), 94-110.

Kumar, V., Ramachandran, D., & Kumar, B. (2021). Influence of new-age technologies on marketing: A research agenda. Journal of Business Research, 125, 864-877.



  • Convergence
    • Convergence in the electronics sector has enabled the addition of disparate new functionalities to existing base products (e.g., adding mobile television to a cell phone or Internet access to a personal digital assistant).
  • RQ — Investigates the role of two factors on the evaluation of such convergent products (CPs).
    • (1) the goal congruence between the added functionality and the base and
    • (2) the nature of the base product (utilitarian versus hedonic)
  • Result
    • The author proposes that the evaluation of CPs with a utilitarian versus hedonic base is subject to an asymmetric additivity effect.
      • Specifically, whereas CPs with a
        1. utilitarian base gain more from adding an incongruent, hedonic functionality than a congruent, utilitarian one,
          • hedonic additions enhance the pleasure of using a utilitarian base,
        2. CPs with a hedonic base gain less from an incongruent, utilitarian addition than a congruent, hedonic one.
          • ∵ utilitarian additions may dilute the existing hedonic image of a hedonic base.
  • The moderating role
    • prior ownership of the base of a CP is also explored.
    • Only for CPs with a hedonic base — effects of goal congruence are stronger for owners than for nonowners,
    • ∵ base produce의 가치를 더 높게 평가
    • Ownership Effect
      • mere ownership effect; see Beggan 1992) — owners may be more sensitive to the changes in the image of the base of a CP than nonowners (Kirmani, Sood, and Bridges 1999)
    • The moderating role of prior ownership of the base on the evaluation of CPs was also explored. Ownership effects occurred only in CPs with a hedonic base product, not for those with a utilitarian base.
      • Given the owners' greater attachment and need to maintain the image for a hedonic base product, the moderating effect of prior ownership was stronger for a CP with a hedonic base than for a utilitarian one.





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