[2024 인공지능 AI 분야] 임팩트 팩터 (Impact factor, IF) 기준 저널 순위
[인공지능 Artificial Intelligence 분야 톱저널, 탑저널] 임팩트 팩터 (Impact factor, IF) 기준, H index 기준으로 말씀드릴게요! 24년 7월에 새로 업데이트 했습니다!
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[IF Order]
논문제목 | 종류 | SJR | H index | IF | |
1 | Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning | journal | 37.044 Q1 | 39 | 100.11 |
2 | International Journal of Information Management | journal | 5.775 Q1 | 177 | 24.28 |
3 | Journal of Metaverse (Open Access) | journal | 2.516 Q1 | 10 | 21.2 |
4 | Computational Visual Media (Open Access) | journal | 4.608 Q1 | 27 | 19.84 |
5 | IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence | journal | 6.158 Q1 | 417 | 19.32 |
6 | Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence (Open Access) | journal | 3.227 Q1 | 29 | 18.85 |
7 | Artificial Intelligence Review | journal | 3.260 Q1 | 115 | 18.42 |
8 | AI Open (Open Access) | journal | 8.119 Q1 | 16 | 18.17 |
9 | Science Robotics | journal | 6.601 Q1 | 101 | 16.4 |
10 | International Journal of Computer Vision | journal | 6.668 Q1 | 221 | 16.03 |
11 | Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Open Access) | journal | 4.006 Q1 | 56 | 15.63 |
12 | International Journal of Information Management Data Insights (Open Access) | journal | 2.137 Q1 | 34 | 15.53 |
13 | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles | journal | 2.469 Q1 | 57 | 14.68 |
14 | IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica | journal | 4.696 Q1 | 83 | 14.59 |
15 | Nature Machine Intelligence (Open Access) | journal | 5.940 Q1 | 67 | 14.59 |
16 | Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems | journal | 4.633 Q1 | 36 | 13.64 |
17 | Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture (Open Access) | journal | 1.453 Q1 | 18 | 12.63 |
18 | International Journal of Intelligent Networks (Open Access) | journal | 1.001 Q2 | 19 | 12.58 |
19 | Energy and AI (Open Access) | journal | 2.160 Q1 | 33 | 11.94 |
20 | IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems | journal | 4.170 Q1 | 251 | 11.83 |
21 | Big Data Mining and Analytics (Open Access) | journal | 1.933 Q1 | 38 | 11.8 |
22 | IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems | journal | 4.204 Q1 | 218 | 10.99 |
23 | Smart Cities (Open Access) | journal | 1.326 Q1 | 32 | 10.13 |
24 | Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems (Open Access) | journal | 1.136 Q2 | 12 | 9.84 |
25 | Computational Linguistics (Open Access) | journal | 1.367 Q1 | 115 | 9.52 |
26 | Pattern Recognition | journal | 2.732 Q1 | 245 | 9.32 |
27 | Expert Systems with Applications | journal | 1.875 Q1 | 271 | 9.29 |
28 | International Journal of Robotics Research | journal | 4.346 Q1 | 190 | 9.24 |
29 | Cyborg and Bionic Systems (Open Access) | journal | 1.508 Q1 | 17 | 9.23 |
30 | Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence | journal | 1.749 Q1 | 137 | 9.22 |
31 | Advanced Engineering Informatics | journal | 1.731 Q1 | 110 | 9.16 |
32 | Data Science and Management (Open Access) | journal | 1.432 Q1 | 13 | 9 |
33 | Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing | journal | 2.071 Q1 | 104 | 8.96 |
34 | CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology (Open Access) | journal | 1.322 Q1 | 34 | 8.89 |
35 | Artificial Intelligence | journal | 2.042 Q1 | 168 | 8.77 |
36 | Soft Robotics | journal | 2.430 Q1 | 80 | 8.77 |
37 | Internet of Things (Netherlands) | journal | 1.642 Q1 | 52 | 8.73 |
38 | Knowledge-Based Systems | journal | 2.219 Q1 | 169 | 8.47 |
39 | Granular Computing | journal | 1.415 Q1 | 46 | 8.34 |
40 | IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking | journal | 3.371 Q1 | 54 | 8 |
41 | Information Sciences | journal | 2.238 Q1 | 227 | 7.89 |
42 | Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research | journal | 1.664 Q1 | 17 | 7.68 |
43 | Engineered Science | journal | 0.870 Q2 | 49 | 7.67 |
44 | Artificial Intelligence in Medicine | journal | 1.723 Q1 | 110 | 7.5 |
45 | Smart Agricultural Technology (Open Access) | journal | 0.849 Q2 | 17 | 7.43 |
46 | Complex and Intelligent Systems (Open Access) | journal | 1.321 Q1 | 46 | 7.34 |
47 | Data Science and Engineering (Open Access) | journal | 1.836 Q1 | 28 | 7.23 |
48 | Radiology: Artificial Intelligence | journal | 2.602 Q1 | 35 | 7.21 |
49 | Neural Networks | journal | 2.605 Q1 | 173 | 7.03 |
50 | Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (Open Access) | journal | 1.614 Q1 | 136 | 6.98 |
51 | Machine Intelligence Research | journal | 1.681 Q1 | 11 | 6.97 |
52 | Neurocomputing | journal | 1.815 Q1 | 196 | 6.79 |
53 | Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making | journal | 1.457 Q1 | 64 | 6.77 |
54 | Machine Learning: Science and Technology (Open Access) | journal | 1.506 Q1 | 31 | 6.58 |
55 | IEEE Intelligent Systems | journal | 2.195 Q1 | 140 | 6.51 |
56 | International Journal of Data and Network Science (Open Access) | journal | 0.418 Q3 | 28 | 6.49 |
57 | Computers in Human Behavior Reports (Open Access) | journal | 1.365 Q1 | 22 | 6.45 |
58 | Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering (Open Access) | journal | 1.366 Q1 | 13 | 6.34 |
59 | Cognitive Robotics (Open Access) | journal | 1.075 Q2 | 11 | 6.28 |
60 | ICT Express (Open Access) | journal | 1.133 Q2 | 44 | 6.28 |
61 | Applied Intelligence | journal | 1.193 Q2 | 95 | 6.27 |
62 | IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine | journal | 2.085 Q1 | 71 | 6.2 |
63 | IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence | journal | 1.894 Q1 | 41 | 6.14 |
64 | Neural Computing and Applications | journal | 1.256 Q2 | 130 | 6.08 |
65 | IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence | journal | 1.771 Q1 | 19 | 5.94 |
66 | Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Technology | journal | 0.723 Q2 | 15 | 5.94 |
67 | ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology | journal | 1.882 Q1 | 78 | 5.89 |
68 | Intelligent Systems with Applications (Open Access) | journal | 0.959 Q2 | 18 | 5.81 |
69 | International Journal of Intelligent Systems | journal | 1.264 Q1 | 106 | 5.81 |
70 | IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science | journal | 1.560 Q1 | 24 | 5.79 |
71 | Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction (Open Access) | journal | 0.977 Q2 | 27 | 5.79 |
72 | Artificial Intelligence and Law | journal | 1.501 Q1 | 49 | 5.71 |
73 | Cybersecurity (Open Access) | journal | 1.136 Q2 | 20 | 5.71 |
74 | Big Data and Cognitive Computing (Open Access) | journal | 0.820 Q2 | 33 | 5.6 |
75 | Journal of Machine Learning Research (Open Access) | journal | 2.796 Q1 | 261 | 5.56 |
76 | Applied System Innovation (Open Access) | journal | 0.788 Q2 | 27 | 5.5 |
77 | Qubahan Academic Journal | journal | 0.749 Q2 | 10 | 5.48 |
78 | IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (Open Access) | journal | 2.119 Q1 | 104 | 5.46 |
79 | Drones (Open Access) | journal | 0.760 Q2 | 43 | 5.43 |
80 | Quantum Machine Intelligence | journal | 1.025 Q2 | 18 | 5.24 |
81 | Iraqi Journal for Computer Science and Mathematics (Open Access) | journal | 0.471 Q3 | 11 | 5.14 |
82 | Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering | journal | 1.186 Q2 | 49 | 5.1 |
83 | Machine Learning | journal | 1.720 Q1 | 169 | 5.09 |
84 | Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments | journal | 0.874 Q2 | 23 | 5.02 |
85 | Autonomous Robots | journal | 1.410 Q1 | 129 | 4.97 |
86 | Pattern Recognition Letters | journal | 1.400 Q1 | 181 | 4.97 |
87 | Natural Language Engineering | journal | 0.664 Q3 | 63 | 4.94 |
88 | ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems | journal | 0.991 Q2 | 45 | 4.82 |
89 | IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems | journal | 1.302 Q1 | 55 | 4.82 |
90 | International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore) | journal | 0.705 Q2 | 34 | 4.8 |
91 | Minds and Machines | journal | 1.945 Q1 | 51 | 4.78 |
92 | Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing | journal | 1.187 Q2 | 104 | 4.74 |
93 | Pattern Analysis and Applications | journal | 0.783 Q2 | 64 | 4.72 |
94 | ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction | journal | 1.342 Q1 | 22 | 4.62 |
95 | IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (Open Access) | journal | 1.926 Q1 | 42 | 4.56 |
96 | Journal of Intelligent Information Systems | journal | 0.835 Q2 | 64 | 4.54 |
97 | Design Studies | journal | 1.180 Q2 | 111 | 4.53 |
98 | IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems | journal | 1.139 Q2 | 138 | 4.45 |
99 | Expert Systems | journal | 0.761 Q2 | 51 | 4.37 |
100 | SN Computer Science | journal | 0.721 Q2 | 35 | 4.34 |
101 | AI (Switzerland) (Open Access) | journal | 0.759 Q2 | 19 | 4.33 |
102 | Knowledge Engineering Review | journal | 0.769 Q2 | 71 | 4.33 |
103 | Connection Science (Open Access) | journal | 0.763 Q2 | 49 | 4.23 |
104 | AI and Society | journal | 0.976 Q2 | 45 | 4.15 |
105 | International Journal of Fuzzy Systems | journal | 0.817 Q2 | 60 | 4.14 |
106 | International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics | journal | 0.988 Q2 | 65 | 4.05 |
107 | Results in Control and Optimization (Open Access) | journal | 0.610 Q3 | 12 | 4.04 |
108 | Psychoradiology (Open Access) | journal | 1.093 Q2 | 4 | 3.95 |
109 | Robotics (Open Access) | journal | 0.795 Q2 | 40 | 3.91 |
110 | Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing (Open Access) | journal | 0.524 Q3 | 22 | 3.88 |
111 | Kybernetes | journal | 0.571 Q3 | 53 | 3.85 |
112 | Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation | conference and proceedings | 1.62 | 222 | 3.83 |
113 | IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics | journal | 1.102 Q2 | 23 | 3.82 |
114 | Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence (Open Access) | journal | 0.757 Q2 | 32 | 3.77 |
115 | International Journal of Approximate Reasoning | journal | 0.877 Q2 | 112 | 3.76 |
116 | Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications | journal | 0.960 Q2 | 96 | 3.75 |
117 | Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research (Open Access) | journal | 1.003 Q2 | 28 | 3.73 |
118 | Neural Processing Letters | journal | 0.692 Q2 | 65 | 3.68 |
119 | Computational Urban Science (Open Access) | journal | 0.627 Q3 | 9 | 3.67 |
120 | Knowledge and Information Systems | journal | 0.860 Q2 | 92 | 3.67 |
121 | Applied Artificial Intelligence (Open Access) | journal | 0.598 Q3 | 63 | 3.66 |
122 | Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal | journal | 0.799 Q2 | 90 | 3.54 |
123 | Journal of the ACM | journal | 2.866 Q1 | 140 | 3.53 |
124 | Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems | journal | 0.855 Q2 | 80 | 3.52 |
125 | Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC) | journal | 0.361 Q3 | 20 | 3.44 |
126 | AI Magazine | journal | 0.486 Q3 | 87 | 3.42 |
127 | Evolutionary Intelligence | journal | 0.638 Q3 | 36 | 3.4 |
128 | Paladyn (Open Access) | journal | 0.589 Q3 | 26 | 3.4 |
129 | Computational Intelligence | journal | 0.692 Q2 | 57 | 3.39 |
130 | IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing (Open Access) | journal | 0.754 Q2 | 14 | 3.38 |
131 | Systems Science and Control Engineering (Open Access) | journal | 1.248 Q2 | 33 | 3.38 |
132 | International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (Open Access) | journal | 0.904 Q2 | 23 | 3.37 |
133 | Intelligent Medicine (Open Access) | journal | 0.674 Q2 | 10 | 3.33 |
134 | Journal of Memory and Language (Open Access) | journal | 1.942 Q1 | 172 | 3.32 |
135 | Network Neuroscience (Open Access) | journal | 1.574 Q1 | 31 | 3.27 |
136 | Journal of Advances in Information Technology (Open Access) | journal | 0.323 Q3 | 19 | 3.26 |
137 | Fuzzy Sets and Systems | journal | 1.009 Q2 | 187 | 3.25 |
138 | Law, Innovation and Technology | journal | 0.761 Q2 | 23 | 3.24 |
139 | Cognitive Psychology | journal | 1.419 Q1 | 134 | 3.18 |
140 | Artificial Intelligence in Geosciences (Open Access) | journal | 0.907 Q2 | 9 | 3.15 |
141 | Frontiers in Robotics and AI (Open Access) | journal | 0.809 Q2 | 57 | 3.13 |
142 | Annals of Data Science | journal | 0.682 Q2 | 27 | 3.11 |
143 | Cognitive Systems Research | journal | 0.957 Q2 | 69 | 3.11 |
144 | Physics of Life Reviews | journal | 1.720 Q1 | 74 | 3.07 |
145 | Journal of Intelligent Systems (Open Access) | journal | 0.479 Q3 | 31 | 3.04 |
146 | Frontiers in Big Data (Open Access) | journal | 0.686 Q2 | 24 | 2.88 |
147 | International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications | journal | 0.592 Q3 | 21 | 2.88 |
148 | Frontiers in Neurorobotics (Open Access) | journal | 0.676 Q2 | 50 | 2.83 |
149 | Microprocessors and Microsystems | journal | 0.549 Q3 | 51 | 2.82 |
150 | CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction | journal | 0.690 Q2 | 13 | 2.8 |
151 | Intelligent Service Robotics | journal | 0.764 Q2 | 40 | 2.76 |
152 | Progress in Artificial Intelligence | journal | 0.828 Q2 | 27 | 2.73 |
153 | Journal of Physics: Complexity (Open Access) | journal | 0.674 Q2 | 15 | 2.72 |
154 | KI - Kunstliche Intelligenz | journal | 0.649 Q3 | 30 | 2.71 |
155 | Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing | journal | 0.338 Q3 | 35 | 2.7 |
156 | Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing | journal | 0.499 Q3 | 46 | 2.68 |
157 | Journal of Soft Computing in Civil Engineering | journal | 0.439 Q3 | 15 | 2.64 |
158 | Topics in Cognitive Science | journal | 1.068 Q2 | 73 | 2.61 |
159 | Cognitive Science | journal | 1.082 Q2 | 136 | 2.59 |
160 | IET Smart Cities (Open Access) | journal | 0.695 Q2 | 16 | 2.57 |
161 | Journal of Business Analytics | journal | 0.420 Q3 | 9 | 2.56 |
162 | ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems | journal | 0.806 Q2 | 23 | 2.55 |
163 | International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems (Open Access) | journal | 0.590 Q3 | 62 | 2.55 |
164 | IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (Open Access) | journal | 0.365 Q3 | 22 | 2.51 |
165 | Parallel Computing | journal | 0.460 Q3 | 71 | 2.47 |
166 | Robotica | journal | 0.579 Q3 | 73 | 2.46 |
167 | Journal of Computational Social Science | journal | 0.718 Q2 | 20 | 2.44 |
168 | Journal on Data Semantics | journal | 0.725 Q2 | 20 | 2.42 |
169 | Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing: AIEDAM | journal | 0.526 Q3 | 58 | 2.36 |
170 | Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence | journal | 0.511 Q3 | 52 | 2.35 |
171 | i-Perception (Open Access) | journal | 0.629 Q3 | 37 | 2.33 |
172 | IFAC Journal of Systems and Control | journal | 0.582 Q3 | 13 | 2.31 |
173 | Intelligence-Based Medicine (Open Access) | journal | 0.773 Q2 | 11 | 2.28 |
174 | Journal of Pragmatics | journal | 1.105 Q2 | 120 | 2.28 |
175 | IEEE Transactions on Games | journal | 0.589 Q3 | 52 | 2.27 |
176 | Machine Translation | journal | 0.340 Q3 | 35 | 2.27 |
177 | Spatial Information Research | journal | 0.484 Q3 | 24 | 2.27 |
178 | Robotic Intelligence and Automation | journal | 0.555 Q3 | 50 | 2.25 |
179 | Swarm Intelligence | journal | 0.681 Q2 | 45 | 2.24 |
180 | Journal of Financial Data Science | journal | 0.854 Q2 | 13 | 2.17 |
181 | Intelligenza Artificiale | journal | 0.679 Q2 | 7 | 2.16 |
182 | IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory and Applications (Open Access) | journal | 0.618 Q3 | 19 | 2.14 |
183 | Data and Policy (Open Access) | journal | 0.479 Q3 | 10 | 2.09 |
184 | Journal of Applied Biomedicine (Open Access) | journal | 0.363 Q3 | 38 | 2.07 |
185 | Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems | journal | 0.378 Q3 | 82 | 2.02 |
186 | Journal of Scheduling | journal | 0.793 Q2 | 67 | 1.99 |
187 | Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems (Open Access) | journal | 0.433 Q3 | 37 | 1.93 |
188 | Journal of Semantics | journal | 1.805 Q1 | 48 | 1.93 |
189 | International Journal of Serious Games (Open Access) | journal | 0.441 Q3 | 12 | 1.91 |
190 | Networks and Spatial Economics | journal | 0.595 Q3 | 59 | 1.9 |
191 | Register: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Sistem Informasi | journal | 0.236 Q4 | 7 | 1.89 |
192 | IET Cyber-systems and Robotics (Open Access) | journal | 0.541 Q3 | 10 | 1.85 |
193 | International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems (Open Access) | journal | 0.312 Q3 | 17 | 1.85 |
194 | Journal of Control and Decision | journal | 0.465 Q3 | 21 | 1.84 |
195 | Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle | journal | 0.278 Q4 | 22 | 1.83 |
196 | Data Intelligence (Open Access) | journal | 0.754 Q2 | 22 | 1.8 |
197 | Internet Technology Letters | journal | 0.346 Q3 | 21 | 1.8 |
198 | Adaptive Behavior | journal | 0.562 Q3 | 59 | 1.79 |
199 | Journal of Heuristics | journal | 0.650 Q3 | 73 | 1.78 |
200 | Data Science (Open Access) | journal | 0.527 Q3 | 11 | 1.74 |
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Sennheiser 젠하이저 모멘텀 트루 와이어리스4 특가 할인, 사용기, 후기 & 리뷰 모음 (Momentum4)
젠하이저 모멘텀 트루 와이어리스 4 특가 정보, 그리고 최근 64개 내돈내산 리뷰를 번역해두었습니다. 리워드 받고 작성이 불가능한 해외 사용자들의 Sennheiser 젠하이저 모멘텀4 (Momentum 4, MTW4)후
'🎓 "톱"저널 정리 (논문 학술지)' 카테고리의 다른 글
의학 분야 저널 임팩트 팩터 (Impact factor, IF) 기준 순위 (0) | 2024.05.17 |
화학과 (Chemistry) 논문 학회 톱저널 임팩트 팩터 (Impact factor, IF) 100위까지 정리 (유명한 논문, 학술지, 저널, 학회, 탑저널) (0) | 2024.05.17 |
경제학 및 계량경제학 Economics and Econometrics 임팩트 팩터 (Impact factor, IF) 기준 논문 순위 (0) | 2024.02.27 |
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