자기 모니터링 (Self-Monitoring), 동료들과 직장 상사를 제가 무의식적으로 따라하고 있다고요?
간략히 요약하면, "자기 모니터링(high self-monitors)의 경향이 높은 사람이 본인의 친구나 상사의 행동을 무의식적으로 따라하는 경향이 있다." 라는 논문입니다.
박사 자격시험을 준비하면서 정리한 내용을 하나씩 풀고 있습니다. 유명한 마케팅 논문들을 업로드하고 있습니다. 제 전공인 Consumer Behavior에서 박사자격 시험때 공부했던 논문 소개 들어갑니다! Social Influence 범주에 속한 논문을 소개드립니다.
Cheng, Clara Michelle and Tanya L. Chartrand (2003), “Self-Monitoring Without Awareness: Using Mimicry as a Nonconscious Affiliation Strategy,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85(6), 1170-1179.
- Abstract
- Self-monitoring outside of conscious awareness
- This research sought to extend the current conceptualization of self-monitoring by examining whether self-monitoring motives and behaviors can operate outside of conscious awareness.
- Nonconscious mimicry!
- Two studies examined nonconscious mimicry among high and low self-monitors in situations varying in affiliative cues.
- Participants interacted with a confederate
- who shook her foot (Study 1) or touched her face (Study 2).
- In both studies,
- high self-monitors
- were more likely to mimic the confederate’s subtle gestures
- when they believed the confederate to be a peer (Study 1)
- or someone superior to them (Study 2).
- were more likely to mimic the confederate’s subtle gestures
- Low self-monitors
- mimicked to the same degree across conditions.
- high self-monitors
- Thus, when the situation contains affiliative cues,
- "high self-monitors use mimicry as a nonconscious strategy to get along with their interaction partner."
- Participants interacted with a confederate
- Two studies examined nonconscious mimicry among high and low self-monitors in situations varying in affiliative cues.
- Self-monitoring outside of conscious awareness
- chameleon effect — Chartrand and Bargh (1999)
- like chameleons changing their skin color to match their environment, people change their behaviors and mannerisms to match those of their interaction partners.
- Self-Monitoring Theory
- Definition
- The construct of self-monitoring represents the difference in the extent to which individuals control the image they project in social settings (Snyder, 1974, 1979, 1987).
- Self-monitoring has been found to consist of other-directedness, or attentiveness towards others, and public performing, or a change in behavior according to the situational demands (Briggs & Cheek, 1988).
- High in self-monitoring
- motivated and able to monitor and control their public images.
- These individuals are concerned with behaving in an appropriate manner as demanded by the social situation, and they therefore use available information in the environment to guide their own behavior.
- High selfmonitors, at one point, were dubbed “social chameleons” (Snyder, 1974) for the way they change their “color” to adapt to different social environments.
- Low in self-monitoring
- less concerned with adjusting to the social environment.
- These individuals tend to act in accordance with their inner attitudes, even if the situational norms dictate otherwise.
- Low self-monitors value “being themselves,” and therefore tend to show a considerable amount of consistency in their behavior across different situations.
- Definition
- chameleon effect — Chartrand and Bargh (1999)
- Takeaways
- Key
- We argue in this article that high self-monitors should show a greater tendency to engage in nonconscious mimicry when the social situation calls for affiliation. #!!!
- In sum, the present research seeks to broaden the understanding of the self-monitoring construct
- by showing that the affiliation attempts of high self-monitors
- can be so automatized that they operate outside of conscious awareness and manifest themselves through nonconscious affiliation techniques (e.g., increased mimicry). #!
- by showing that the affiliation attempts of high self-monitors
- Summary
- The authors investigated self-monitoring motives and behaviors outside of conscious awareness. Participants were more likely to mimic the confederate’s subtle gestures when they believe the confederate to be a peer or a superior. Low-self-monitors mimicked to the same degree across conditions.
- Study 1
- 68 psychology student randomly assigned to 3 confederate conditions (Psych student, high school student, graduate student) and performed a photo description task with a confederate with four video cameras recording the interaction. The confederate had her legs crossed, and shook her foot throughout the photo description task, lasted for about 5 minutes. After the task, participants answered the self-monitoring scale.
- Results
- high-self-monitors shook their feet for a significantly larger proportion of time in the Psych 100 condition than they did in the high school student and the graduate student conditions. No significant difference in low-self-monitors
- Study 2
- 53 psychology students randomly assigned to worker or leader condition, in a similar experiment as in Study 1 except for the roles in conditions. Participants were told that in the second experiment, there would be a problem-solving task which involved a leader and a worker. In the photo description task, the confederate touched her face throughout the interaction, lasted for 5 minutes.
- Results:
- high-self-monitors spent a large proportion of the interaction time mimicking when they were the worker than when they were the leader. Low-self-monitors did not show significant differences in the amount they mimicked regardless of whether they were assigned worker or leader.
- Key
cf) 대학원생 스터디 톡방도 운영하고 있습니다 (계획, 기상 등 본인 원하는 것들 인증)! 연구에 외로운 대학원 동료분들 언제든 들어오세요! (https://open.kakao.com/o/gz2ZHI7c)
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서강대학교 수학&심리 복수전공 최우등 졸업
KAIST 마케팅 전공 석사 최우등 졸업, 박사과정 수료
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