Identity Signaling: 아저씨들이 facebook쓰네? 우리는 instagram하자! 소비자들이 정체성을 드러내는 방법
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이런 느낌의 논문입니다. 학생들의 전유물이던 facebook을 4060이 따라하기 시작하자 instagram으로 갈아타는... 아니면학생들이 옷을 입기 시작하면 브랜드가 망한다.. 이런 것들의 이유가 되지 않을까요?
Berger, Jonah and Chip Heath (2008) “Who Drives Divergence? Identity Signaling, Outgroup Dissimilarity, and the Abandonment of Cultural Tastes,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 95(3), 593-607.
- Abstract
- People often diverge from members of other social groups:
- They select cultural tastes (e.g., possessions, attitudes, or behaviors)
- that distinguish them from outsiders and
- abandon tastes when outsiders adopt them.
- But while divergence is pervasive,
- most research on the propagation of culture is based on conformity.
- most research on the propagation of culture is based on conformity.
- Consequently, it is less useful in explaining why people might abandon tastes when others adopt them.
- They select cultural tastes (e.g., possessions, attitudes, or behaviors)
- The 7 studies described in this article showed that people diverge to avoid signaling undesired identities.
- A field study, for example, found that undergraduates stopped wearing a particular wristband
- when members of the “geeky” academically focused dormitory next door started wearing them.
- Consistent with an identity-signaling perspective, the studies further showed that people often diverge from dissimilar outgroups
- to avoid the costs of misidentification.
- Implications for social influence, identity signaling, and the popularity and diffusion of culture are discussed.
- A field study, for example, found that undergraduates stopped wearing a particular wristband
- People often diverge from members of other social groups:
- Important Concepts
- What is divergence?
- Def — people select cultural tastes (e.g., attitudes, possessions, and behaviors) that distinguish them from members of other groups, and they abandon cultural tastes when members of other social groups adopt them.
- Dynamic social impact theory (Latane, 1996),
- for instance, predicts that people will become more similar to those around them and that their attitudes will become increasingly correlated over time (e.g., Harton & Bourgeois, 2004).
- distinguish themselves from others를 설명하지 못함
- But while conformity processes are obviously important, they predict convergence and thus cannot account for a world in which people select tastes that distinguish themselves from others and abandon tastes that are adopted by other social groups.
- What is Identity-Signaling Approach and how is it related to divergence?
- We propose an identity-signaling approach to divergence.
- Our perspective focuses on how distinguishing groups from one another can provide meaning (Abrams & Hogg, 1988; Bourdieu, 1979/1984; Simmel, 1904/1957).
- However, instead of assuming people diverge
- to better understand their place in the social environment
- or reduce their own internal uncertainty about who they are (e.g., Hogg, 2000),
- we suggest that people diverge to ensure that others understand who they are.
- In particular, people often diverge to avoid sending undesired identity signals to others.
- We assume that people diverge, at least in part, to ensure their identity is correctly recognized by others.
- When dissimilar others adopt cultural practices,
- the signaling process breaks down,
- and social interactions become less satisfying and sometimes even painful.
- e.g.
- For example, wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with the name of a heavy metal rock band may facilitate interactions with people who like heavy metal music.
- But if fashionistas start wearing such T-shirts because they look good with black jackets, the T-shirts will no longer be an effective signal.
- Consequently, true heavy metal fans who wear the T-shirts may be ignored by desired mates and potential friends. Heavy metal fans may stop approaching others wearing the T-shirts because they are now unsure whether the wearer cares about guitar riffs or Prada’s spring collection.
- Misidentification is costly because it leads people to
- miss out on desired
- interactions
- and interaction partners
- and to get stuck interacting with undesired partners.
- miss out on desired
- the signaling process breaks down,
- We propose an identity-signaling approach to divergence.
- cf) Social Comparison Theory
- Similarly, social comparison theory
- has focused on internal motivations for intergroup differentiation — self-esteem, or self-enhancement
- (for reviews, see Rubin & Hewstone, 1998; Vignoles, Chryssochoou, & Breakwell, 2000).
- has focused on internal motivations for intergroup differentiation — self-esteem, or self-enhancement
- Similarly, social comparison theory
- What is divergence?
- Takeaways
- Key points in LR
- In the divergence examples mentioned previously, however,
- people seem to be abandoning tastes #!
- not for internal reasons
- but for social concerns about how others might see them.
- people seem to be abandoning tastes #!
- Thus, people may abandon tastes adopted by other social groups
다른 그룹의 특징을 표현하기 싫어서, 거절한다! #!- to avoid signaling their characteristics.
- When dissimilar others adopt cultural practices,
- the signaling process breaks down,
- and social interactions become less satisfying and sometimes even painful.
- Misidentification is costly because it leads people to
- miss out on desired
- interactions
- and interaction partners
- and to get stuck interacting with undesired partners.
- miss out on desired
- the signaling process breaks down,
- Since dissimilar others are less likely to share identity-relevant traits,
- people should be more motivated to diverge when dissimilar others adopt their tastes.
- In the divergence examples mentioned previously, however,
- Brief Summary
- All People know that people diverge. However, most research is focused on convergence, not divergence. Therefore, authors try to figure out causes of divergence in several ways (7 studies); Costs of Misidentification, Taste Abandonment, The Role of Public Versus Private Behavior, Abandonment Based on Outgroup Similarity, Status, and Liking, Groups, Domains, and Abandonment, Outgroups, Domains, and Abandonment.
- Introduction (We know people diverge, but why?)
- While divergence is quite pervasive, most research has focused on convergence. One of the most widely discussed principles in social psychology is conformity. Because models of the diffusion of innovations and cultural tastes and practices are implicitly based on conformity dynamics, they are less helpful in understanding why people might abandon tastes. There are several explaining certain classes of divergence; Divergence Driven by Low-Status Others, Divergence Driven by Disliked Others, Divergence Driven by Similar Others, Cultural Tastes and the Communication of Identity, Divergence Driven by Identity-Signaling Concern
- Studies
- Study1 : Costs of Misidentification
- Fifty-three Stanford’s students were given a list of 15 different social groups and were asked to rate them on one of three dimensions. Students preferred not to be thought of as members of dissimilar groups. The results of the first study support the notion that outgroup similarity influences the cost of misidentification.
- Study2 : Taste Abandonment—Don’t Think of Me as One of Them
- This research examined abandonment of a real cultural product, yellow Livestrong wristbands. Members of the Target Dorm did not dislike members of the Academic Dorm, but they did find them to be dissimilar. The results of Study 2 illustrate that people may abandon cultural tastes that are adopted by other social groups.
- Study3 : The Role of Public Versus Private Behavior
- Seventy-six undergraduates completed two ostensibly unrelated studies as part of a larger session. Study 3 provides a strong demonstration that people diverge due to identity-signaling concerns by illustrating that people may diverge in public even when they do not do so in private.
- Study4 : Abandonment Based on Outgroup Similarity, Status, and Liking
- In Study 4, people were asked how they would change their use of a cultural taste if it was adopted by various social groups. Respondents were then asked what they would do (decrease their use, 5 increase their use) if each of 15 social groups started using the phrase. People suggested they would abandon a catchphrase when it was adopted by various outgroups.
- Study5 : Divergence to Avoid Confusion with Dissimilar Others
- Study 5 again examines whether people are more likely to diverge from dissimilar groups but also whether this divergence is due to the desire to avoid being misidentified. They first rated how much they would change their use of a catchphrase if it was adopted by each of 15 social groups (the taste change measure from Study 4). Participants again reported they would decrease their use of the catchphrase if it was adopted by almost all of the social groups (14 of the 15). People reported that they would be more likely to diverge from groups they thought were dissimilar to themselves.
- Study6 : Groups, Domains, and Abandonment
- One-hundred thirty-two Stanford undergraduates were asked to imagine that they had a preference in each of 10 taste domains (e.g., hairstyle, cell phone brand) and that members of a certain social group had started copying their preference. Divergence varied by whether the domain was related to identity, and the similarity of the adopting group. In those domains, identity-signaling theory predicts that people would be wary of what their cultural tastes communicate about their identity, and they may abandon tastes that are adopted by other social groups (especially dissimilar ones) to avoid undesired identity inferences.
- Study7 : Outgroups, Domains, and Abandonment
- Participants from a national Internet sample listed a group they considered an outgroup. Participants were then asked how they would respond if that group adopted their tastes in different domains. In each domain, participants were then to rate how Group Z’s adoption of their preference would affect their behavior. Participants were more likely to abandon tastes if the outgroup adopters were dissimilar and if the domain was identity relevant.
- Study1 : Costs of Misidentification
- Conclusion (General Discussion)
- People often diverge from members of other social groups. They select cultural tastes that distinguish them from outgroup members and abandon tastes once they are adopted by other social groups. But while divergence is quite pervasive, little research has documented divergence or suggested a mechanism for this process. Seven studies supported our identity-signaling perspective; people diverged to avoid signaling undesired identities. The findings also highlight that identity signaling is a social process. People tend to use taste domains like cars, clothing, and music to look for and send social identity signals, and these domains exist outside the power of any individual or group to alter. They are determined by the social system as a whole.
- Key points in LR
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