쾌락적 소비(Hedonic consumption)란 무엇인가?
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Hirschman & Holbrook (1982). Hedonic consumption: emerging concepts, methods and propositions. The Journal of Marketing
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- What is Hedonic consumption?
- Definition
- facets of consumer behavior that relate to the multisensory, fantasy and emotive aspects of one's experience with product.
facet = 양상 - consumers' multisensory images, fantasies and emotional arousal in using products. This configuration of effects may be termed hedonic response.
- facets of consumer behavior that relate to the multisensory, fantasy and emotive aspects of one's experience with product.
- Response related to Hedonic Consumption
- Multisensory
- Multisensory — receipt of experience in multiple sensory modalities including tastes, sounds, scents, tactile impressions and visual images.
다양한 감각으로 부터 오는 경험의 수신!- 비교
- Previous consumer research — afferent from external stimuli
생물학적 신경적이 관점 - 구심성(안으로 들어오는)- e.g., a product taste test
- e.g., encode scent from perfume
- Hedonic ⊃ Efferent — generates internal, multisensory images
원심성- e.g., generate internal imagery containing sights, sounds and tactile sensations, all of which are also "experienced."
- Previous consumer research — afferent from external stimuli
- 비교
- Multisensory — receipt of experience in multiple sensory modalities including tastes, sounds, scents, tactile impressions and visual images.
- Fantasy — Two types of Multisensory images
- Historic imagery — recalling an event that actually did occur
- e.g., recalling scent of perfume
- Fantasy imagery — consumer responds by producing a multisensory image not drawn directly from prior experience
- e.g., color seen, sounds heard, touches felt brought together for the first time and experienced as mental phenomena
- Historic imagery — recalling an event that actually did occur
- Emotional Arousal — Emotive aspects
- Multisensory
- Definition
- Contrasts between the traditional and hedonic approaches in four areas
- Mental Constructs
- Comparison of Traditional and Hedonic Approaches
- Traditional — Plato
No multisensory- human mind posses three distinct faculties
- cognition or knowing,
- emotion or feeling,
- conation or willing (Scott, Osgood and Peterson 1979)
- ≈ In Marketing
- belief, affect and intention
- ☆ Ignored multisensory afferent and efferent consumer response!
- human mind posses three distinct faculties
- Current investigations
- Belief component of mental activities
- Verbal Information, Information occurring in other modalities — gustatory, olfactory, tactile, pictorial, aural — remains largely unexamined (Holbrook and Moore 1981)
Multisensory, cf) modalities — 양상 - The broader dimension of emotion, unexplored (Holbrook 1980) — anguish, rapture
괴로움, 황홀
- Traditional — Plato
- Propositions when considering hedonic mental constructs
- Emotional Desires > Utilitarian Motives
- First, in some instances, emotional desires dominate utilitarian motives in the choice of products (Maslow 1968).
감정적 욕구가 실용성을 이겨- e.g., love, hate, jealousy > decision rule
- First, in some instances, emotional desires dominate utilitarian motives in the choice of products (Maslow 1968).
- Imbues product with a subjective meaning
- Second, consumers imbue a product with a subjective meaning that supplements the concrete attributes it possesses (Hirschman 1980a, 1981b)
imbue — 가득 채우다
- Second, consumers imbue a product with a subjective meaning that supplements the concrete attributes it possesses (Hirschman 1980a, 1981b)
- Hedonic consumption: what consumers know < what they desire
- Third, hedonic consumption is tied to imaginative constructions of reality (Singer 1966)
- Thus, hedonic consumption acts are based not on what consumers know to be real but rather on what they desire reality to be. This, of course, ec
- Third, hedonic consumption is tied to imaginative constructions of reality (Singer 1966)
- Sensory-emotive stimulation seeking ≠ Cognitive information seeking
- Fourth, a growing body of evidence suggests that sensory-emotive stimulation seeking and cognitive information seeking are two independent dimensions.
- Emotional Desires > Utilitarian Motives
- Comparison of Traditional and Hedonic Approaches
- Product Classes
- Traditional Research — package goods (toothpaste, cigarettes, cereal) and major durables (appliances, automobiles)
- Hedonic consumer research — emphasis on esthetic product
- investigates the performing arts (op- era, ballet, moder dance, legitimate theater),
- the plastic arts (painting, photography, sculpture, crafts) and the
- corollaries of these high culture products within popular culture (movies, rock concerts, fashion apparel).
corollaries - 필연적 결과
- Product Usage
- Traditional Consumer Research
- Activity studied: "Decision making process"
- Oriented concern of marketers! with the prediction of brand choices
- Hedonic Consumption — phenomena
- Increased attention to phenomena involved in "product usage" — psychological experiences, product usage experience
- Traditional Consumer Research
- Individual Differences
- Traditional Approaches — post hoc approach, descriptive profile approach
- Much traditional marketing research has taken a post hoc approach to sources of interpersonal variance, in which consumers evincing certain behavior (brand loyalty, high usage rate, low satisfaction) are profiled according to their discriminating characteristics.
evincing - 분명히 밝히다 - market segmentation
- Much traditional marketing research has taken a post hoc approach to sources of interpersonal variance, in which consumers evincing certain behavior (brand loyalty, high usage rate, low satisfaction) are profiled according to their discriminating characteristics.
- Hedonic research — origins of variation in hedonic response
- subcultural groups & emotions toward and fantasies about products
- subcultural groups are defined a priori-before being compared on the basis of hedonic responses
- Differences between various subcultures in their emotions toward and fantasies about products.
- Focusing attention on the social origins of variation in hedonic response
- subcultural groups & emotions toward and fantasies about products
- Traditional Approaches — post hoc approach, descriptive profile approach
- Mental Constructs
- Why Important? — Conceptualize new consumption phenomena (processes)
- Hedonic viewpoint offers a complementary perspective for conceptualizing many otherwise neglected consumption phenomena.
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