사람들은 계획을 합리적으로 잘 세울까? #목표와 동기 #늑장 #마감..
Ariely, Dan and Klaus Wertenbroch (2002), “Procrastination, Deadlines and Performance: Self-Control by Pre-commitment,” Psychological Science
제 전공인 Consumer Behavior에서 공부한 논문 소개 들어갑니다! Goal and Motivation(목표와 동기)의 범주에 속하는 논문입니다.
핵심만 말씀 드리면, 3개의 과제를 주고 마감일을 어떻게 설정하느냐에 따른 성과를 알아본 논문입니다.
흥미롭게도, 3개를 모두 마지막 날에 제출하세요! 라고 한 경우보다 < 3개의 과제의 마감일을 한번 각각 자율적으로 설정해보세요 한 경우의 성과가 더 좋았습니다. 하지만 자율적인 경우보다 < 관리자가 일정한 시간 간격을 두고 각각의 마감일을 지정해 준 경우의 성과가 가장 좋았다고 합니다.
즉, 이 연구를 통해 사람들이 자율적으로 마감일을 설정하는 것이 안하는 것 보다 효과는 있지만 (늑장 부리는 것을 막아줌), 사람들이 최적의 마감일을 설정하는 것은 아니다! 라는 연구입니다.
더 깊고 자세한 내용은 아래의 요약본을 참고해주세요!
Ariely, Dan and Klaus Wertenbroch (2002), “Procrastination, Deadlines and Performance: Self-Control by Pre-commitment,” Psychological Science, 13 (May) 219-24.
- Abstract
- Procrastination is all too familiar to most people.
- People delay writing up their research (so we hear!), repeatedly declare they will start their diets tomorrow, or postpone until next week doing odd jobs around the house.
- Yet people also sometimes attempt to control their procrastination by setting deadlines for themselves.
- In this article, we pose three questions:
- (a) Are people willing to self-impose meaningful (i.e., costly) deadlines to overcome procrastination?
- (b) Are self-imposed deadlines effective in improving task performance?
- (c) When self-imposing deadlines, do people set them optimally, for maximum performance enhancement?
- A set of studies examined these issues experimentally, showing that the answer is “yes” to the first two questions, and “no” to the third.
- People have self-control problems, they recognize them, and they try to control them by self-imposing costly deadlines.
- These deadlines help people control procrastination, but they are not as effective as some externally imposed deadlines in improving task performance.
- Procrastination is all too familiar to most people.
- Takeaways
- Research Questions & Summary
- 1. Are people willing to self-impose meaningful and costly deadlines to overcome procrastination? Do people self-impose costly deadlines on tasks in which procrastination may impede performance? — YES
- 2. Are people correct in imposing deadlines on themselves? Are self-imposed deadlines effective in enhancement? — YES
- 3. When self-imposing deadlines, do people set them optimally, for maximum performance enhancement? — NO
- Short Summary
- Study1 — self-imposed deadlines are not as effective as externally imposed, evenly spaced deadlines
- Study 2 — performance under self-imposed deadlines is lower than evenly spaced deadlines, but higher than performance under maximally delayed deadlines.
- Hypotheses — evenly spaced deadlines > self-imposed deadlines > maximally delayed deadlines
- Performance under self-imposed deadlines is lower than performance under externally imposed, evenly spaced deadlines but higher than performance under maximally delayed deadlines.
- Pilot Studies
- Free to choose a deadline for a class paper
- Deadline 잘 설정하는구나 보여줌..
- Free to choose a deadline for a class paper
- Study1
- IV
- One part of the course requirements was to write three short papers.
- Students in the no-choice section (48 students)
- were given fixed, evenly spaced deadlines for the papers (a paper at the end of each third of the course).
- Students in the free-choice section (51 students)
- were given detailed instructions about setting their own deadlines (as in the pilot studies).
- These instructions indicated that each student was free to choose the dates by which he or she wanted to hand in the short papers.
- Students in the no-choice section (48 students)
- One part of the course requirements was to write three short papers.
- Deadline set
- Figure 1 shows that
- only 43 deadlines (32%) were set for the final week of class.
- The majority of the deadlines were set prior to the last lecture and in fact,
- only 12 students (27%) chose to submit all three papers on the last day of class.1
- Fig. 1. Frequency distribution of the declared deadlines in Study 1 as a function of the week of class (Week 1 is the first week, and Week 14 the last week), plotted separately for the three papers
- Figure 1 shows that
- 1. Do people self-impose costly deadlines on tasks in which procrastination may impede performance? YES
- Possible Predictions & Result (flexibility < fixed)
- The grades in the no-choice section (M 88.76) were higher than the grades in the free-choice section (M 85.67), t(97) 3.03, p .003.
- Negative effect of flexible deadlines on Final Project
최종 플젝에도 부정적인 영향을 미쳤다. 아마 최종으로 몰아놓은 사람들 때문에 - Class
- Study 1: The Free-Choice or No-Choice Study
- -99 professionals and random assignment to a different condition based on section.
- -No-Choice section (48 students) was given fixed, evenly spaced deadlines; Free-Choice section (51 students) was given detailed instructions about setting their own deadlines.
- -Four external constraints: 1) submit papers no later than the last lecture, 2) students must announce the deadlines prior to the second lecture, 3) such deadlines are final and unchangeable, and 4) the dates were binding. Also, the students were informed that there were no grade advantages for early submissions (i.e. no incentives to submit early).
- -Deadlines were scored by taking their distances from the last day of class (i.e. 0 = submitted on the last day of class).
- Study 1: The Free-Choice or No-Choice Study
- IV
- Study2 — maximally delayed deadline < self-imposed deadline < evenly imposed deadlines
- Purpose
- To examine this hypothesis, we now focus on our second and third questions:
- whether self-imposed deadlines improve performance and, if so,
- whether people know how to set deadlines for maximum performance enhancement.
- To examine this hypothesis, we now focus on our second and third questions:
- IV
- In each condition, we clearly explained to the participants that their payoffs would depend on how many errors they detected and on the time of submission of each proofread text.
- In the evenly-spaced-deadlines condition,
- participants had to submit one of the three texts every 7 days;
- in the end-deadline condition,
- they had to submit all three texts at the end of 3 weeks (21 days);
- and in the self-imposed-deadlines condition,
- they had to choose their own deadline for each of the three texts within the 3-week window (as in the previous studies).
- In the evenly-spaced-deadlines condition,
- In each condition, we clearly explained to the participants that their payoffs would depend on how many errors they detected and on the time of submission of each proofread text.
- Result
- preference for selfimposing costly deadlines
- Performance:
maximally delayed deadline < self imposed deadline < evenly imposed deadlines - evenly self imposed deadline = evenly imposed deadlines
→ so self-imposed deadlines of participants are suboptimal - like: evenly < self-imposed < end-deadline
- how much time spent: even > self-imposed > end-deadline
- Purpose
- Research Questions & Summary
☆ 대학원생 스터디 톡방도 운영하고 있습니다 (계획, 기상 등 본인 원하는 것들 인증)! 연구에 외로운 대학원 동료분들 언제든 들어오세요! (https://open.kakao.com/o/gz2ZHI7c)
[글쓴이 소개]
서강대학교 수학&심리 복수전공 최우등 졸업
KAIST 마케팅 전공 석사 최우등 졸업, 박사과정 수료
자세한 소개는: https://beautifulresearch.tistory.com/7
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