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Bonezzi, Andrea, C. Miguel Brendl, and Matteo De Angelis (2011). “Stuck in the Middle: The Psychophysics of Goal Pursuit,” Psychological Science, 22(5), 607-612
Goal-gradient hypothesis always?
The classic goal-gradient hypothesis posits that motivation to reach a goal increases monotonically with proximity to the desired end state. However, we argue that this is not always the case.
Goal consistent behavior — halfway < far from or close, to the end state
In this article, we show that motivation to engage in goal-consistent behavior can be higher when people are either far from or close to the end state and lower when they are about halfway to the end state.
We propose a psychophysical explanation for this tendency to get “stuck in the middle.”
perceived marginal value of progress toward the goal → motivation
Building on the assumption that motivation is influenced by the perceived marginal value of progress toward the goal, we show that the shape of the goal gradient varies depending on whether an individual monitors progress in terms of distance from the initial state or from the desired end state.
nonmonotonic gradient
Our psychophysical model of goal pursuit predicts a previously undiscovered nonmonotonic gradient, as well as two monotonic gradients.
This paper shows that motivation to engage in goal pursuit behavior can be higher either when people are close to the start state and close to the end state.
On the other hand, the motivation can be lower when they are the halfway point on the way to the goal. Because people use attentional shift from the starting point to the end point for pursuit their goal. The authors propose a psychophysical explanation “Stuck in the middle” with a U pattern in relation with the perceived marginal value of progress toward the goal.
The psychophysics of goal pursuit is based on three elements:
(a) motivation as a function of perceived marginal value of progress,
(b) adoption of a reference point to monitor progress, and
(c) diminishing sensitivity.
to-date frame
what they have achieved so far (i.e., to-date frame)
Reading one more page is perceived as yielding less progress after having read 200 pages (1:200) than after having read 50 pages (1:50).
200page+1 vs 2page+1page
to-go frame
desired end state and consider what they still need to achieve (i.e., to-go frame)
motivation increases as distance from the end state decreases
initial state is more salient at the beginning of goal pursuit, whereas the desired end state is more salient toward the end of goal pursuit (Liberman & Dar, 2009).
Experiment 1. Check the decrease in motivation in the middle point
126 students played a “words in a word” game under the within-participants research design.
: Each student was presented with a word (e.g., manager) and was asked to create as many other words as possible using the letters contained only in that word (e.g., gear, range)
On a series of nine words, each presented for 2 min.
Target words were located in the 2nd, 5th, 8th of the total nine words and it was confirmed how many words the participants created in each sequence.
5 vs 2 &8
Participants made less effort to create words when halfway than the beginning or the end of the game. However, this result was not sufficient because this decrease could also be due to depletion such as fatigue.
Experiment 2. Test the motivational U pattern by manipulating the two reference points
137 students participated a charity project and they donated as much as they wanted within the compensation they received. Two frames were presented to the participants: To-date frame (Amount collected) and To-go frame (Amount to be collected)
money collected so far (to-date frame; $55, $155, or $245) or
money still to be collected (to-go frame; $245, $145, or $55).
Participants were instructed to leave part of their compensation in the envelope if they wished to contribute.
In the to-date frame, participants donated more money when close to the end.
In the to-go frame, they donated more money when close to the beginning.
Therefore, motivational gradients can vary depending on the reference points which make people monitor progress. Moreover, the explanation is supported regardless of the depletion effect.
Experiment 3. Test whether the motivational U pattern is a result of an attentional shift
69 students proofread nine essays to find typographical errors and target essays were located same as experiment 1. There were three conditions:
To-date — starting point
participants initially saw an empty row, to which one icon at a time would be added from left to right after an essay was reviewed
To-go — end point
participants initially saw a row of nine icons, each representing one of the essays to be reviewed.
Noframe (Highlight the part currently reviewing out of the total)
always saw a row of nine washed out icons, of which the one corresponding to the essay being reviewed was highlighted
지금 상태를 어떻게 묘사하는지 Check
To measure attentional focus, we asked participants to report where they currently were on the task immediately after they completed the third and sixth essays.
To-date — starting point — 관점 유지
To-go — end point — 관점 유지
Noframe — 관점 shift
In the to-date and to-go frame conditions, the results are the same as the previous experiments. In the no-frame condition, the U pattern of “stuck in the middle” is verified.
Because the participants’ performance was significantly higher when close to the beginning or the end of the task than halfway. Consequently, attentional shift from the starting to end point can emerge during the task process for goal achievement.