[마케팅전략] Kirca, Jayachandran, & Bearden (2005) Market orientation: A meta-analytic review and assessment of its antecedents and impact on performance. Journal of marketing
그동안 박사 자격시험을 준비하면서 정리한 내용을 하나씩 풀고 있습니다. 주로 유명한 마케팅 논문들이 업로드될 예정입니다. 이번에는 Marketing Strategy 중에서 Role of marketing에 해당되는 논문 "핵심 요약"입니다.
The authors conduct a meta-analysis that aggregates empirical findings from the market orientation literature.
이런 것들을 알려줄거야..
Antecedents and the consequences of market orientation
First, the study provides a quantitative summary of the bivariate findings regarding the antecedents and the consequences of market orientation.
Process Variables that mediates MO and Performance market orientation → process variables(M) → performance
Second, the authors use multivariate analyses of aggregate study effects to identify significant antecedents of market orientation and the process variables that mediate the relationship between market orientation and performance.
논문에서 알려줄 변수들간의 관계가 강화되는 조건
In addition, using regression analysis, the authors find that the market orientation–performance relationship is stronger
in samples of manufacturing firms,
in low power-distance and uncertainty-avoidance cultures,
and in studies that use subjective measures of performance.
The authors also find that the market orientation–performance correlation is stronger for both
cost-based and
revenue-based performance measures
in manufacturing firms than in service firms.
On the basis of the findings, the authors conclude with a discussion of the implications for practice and further research.
Marketing Concept 마캐팅의 기본 개념 — 하는 이유!
to achieve sustained success, firms should identify and satisfy customer needs more effectively than their competitors (Day 1994; Kotler 2002).
Marketing Orientation Literatures — Marketing Concept에 합치하여 행동하는 정도 마케팅 지향 성향
the extent to which firms behave, or are inclined to behave, in accordance with the marketing concept (Kohli and Jaworski 1990).
Conceptualization of Market Orientation
Behavioral perspective 시장 지능의 생성, 보급 그리고 반응
concentrates on organizational activities that are related to the
generation and dissemination of and responsiveness to
market intelligence (e.g., Kohli and Jaworski 1990).
Cultural perspective Market Orientation에 합치하는 조직의 norm과 value
focuses on organizational norms and values that encourage behaviors that are consistent with market orientation (Deshpandé, Farley, and Webster 1993; Narver and Slater 1990).
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework for Meta-Analysis
Figure 2. Consequences of Market Orientation
A: Hypothesized Model
B: Revised Model
Antecedents of market orientation
(+) Top management factors
Top managers shape the values and orientation of an organization (Webster 1988).
As such, top management emphasis on market orientation has a positive impact on the level of an organization's market orientation (Day 1994; Narver and Slater 1990).
Interdepartmental factors
(+) interdepartmental connectedness
the extent of formal and informal contacts among employees across various departments
enhances market orientation by leading to greater sharing and use of information (Kennedy, Goolsby, and Arnould 2003).
(-) interdepartmental conflict
the tension between departments that arises from divergent goals
inhibits concerted responses to market needs and thus diminishes market orientation (Jaworski and Kohli 1993).
Organizational systems.
Two structural variables
(-) Formalization 형식적인 것으로 정보 utilization 저하
definition of roles, procedures, and authority through rules
Rules inversely related to market orientation because it inhibits
a firms' information utilization and
thus the development of effective responses to changes in the marketplace (Jaworski and Kohli 1993).
(-) Centralization
Limited delegation of decision-making authority in an organization
negatively affects market orientation, because it inhibits a firm's information dissemination and utilization (Matsuno, Mentzer, and Ozsomer 2002).
Two employee-related systems
(+) Market-based reward systems
Market-based reward systems use market-oriented behaviors as metrics to reward employees,
thus motivating employee actions that enhance market orientation.
(+) market-oriented training
Market-oriented training augments employees' sensitivity to customer needs,
thus stimulating actions that are consistent with the requirements of market orientation (Ruekert 1992).
Consequences of Market Orientation
Organizational performance
Market orientation provides a firm with market-sensing and customer-linking capabilities that lead to superior organizational performance (Day 1994; Hult and Ketchen 2001).
revenue-based performance (e.g., sales and market share)
Customer consequences
perceived quality
perceived quality of products or services that a firm provides
Market orientation proposes to enhance customer-perceived quality of the organization's products and services by helping create and maintain superior customer value (Brady and Cronin 2001).
customer loyalty & customer satisfaction
customer satisfaction with the organization's products and services (Jaworski and Kohli 1993, 1996)
Market orientation enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty because market-oriented firms are well positioned to anticipate customer needs and to offer goods and services to satisfy those needs (Slater and Narver 1994b).
Innovation consequences
Firms' innovativeness
their ability to create and implement new ideas, products, and processes (Hult and Ketchen 2001)
New product performance
The success of new products in terms of market share, sales, return on investment, and profitability (Im and Workman 2004).
consequences ∵
Market orientation drives a continuous and proactive disposition toward meeting customer needs and it emphasizes greater information use (Atuahene-Gima 1996; Han, Kim, and Srivastava 1998).
Employee consequences
by instilling a sense of pride and camaraderie among employees 동지애
organizational commitment ↑
(i.e., willingness to sacrifice for the organization),
employee team spirit ↑
customer orientation ↑
(i.e., the motivation of employees to satisfy customer needs),
job satisfaction ↑
Role conflict ↓
the incompatibility of communicated expectations that hamper employees' role performance.
Mediators of the Market Orientation-Performance
Relationship: Multivariate Assessment
Satisfaction and Loyalty
Customer loyalty and satisfaction should have positive associations with organizational performance because they increase repeat purchase behavior and are associated with lower levels of customer complaints and negative word of mouth (Szymanski and Henard 2001).
Quality of its products and services
Quality and customer loyalty can influence performance through higher prices, higher market share, and/or lower costs (e.g., Fornell 1992; Slater and Narver 1994b).
By enhancing competitive advantage, innovativeness should have a positive effect on performance (Han, Kim, and Srivastava 1998; Hurley and Hult 1998).
Moderator — Measurement and Sample Characteristics & Substantive moderator
Antecedents and the consequences of market orientation
Influence of Antecedents — Internal processes > organizational structure variables
Process Variables that mediates MO and Performance
innovativeness, customer loyalty, and quality
B: Revised Model
Moderator — market orientation–performance relationship stronger relationship when..
manufacturing firms > service firms
in low power-distance and uncertainty-avoidance cultures,
in studies that use subjective measures of performance. measure 방식
Also for both cost-based and revenue-based performance measures