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CPTED! 범죄예방 환경설계 논문 및 이론 정리

by Eager_Beaver_PhD 2022. 1. 14.

CPTED, 범죄예방 환경설계 이론 및 내용 정리


Here, I summarized what I have studied for environment-based crime prevention theories! 환경을 기반으로 범죄를 예방하는 것과 관련된 이론들을 한번 정리해 보았습니다. 


#Defensible space theory, Rational choice theory, Routine activity theory, Crime pattern theory, Crime Prevention through Environmental Design, CPTED, Defensible space theory, 범죄예방 환경설계

  • "Crime prevention can be achieved through proper design and renovation of the physical environment"
    • Physical environmental elements → (influence potential offender, crime target, or surveillance) → criminal actions


  • Environment-based crime prevention theories
    1. Rational choice theory (Cornish and Clarke 1987)
      • Terrorists, and psychopaths, the offenders are rational
      • motive, 기회, 비용, 이득 모두를 고려함
      • 현실에선 emotion의 영향도 받음 (Gelder 2013)
        이상적인 이론
    2. Routine activity theory (Cohen and Felson 1979)
      통상적으로 작동됨!
      • Criminal behavior is correlated with the behaviors of the public
      • Crime is likely to occur when three essential elements of crime converge in space and time — 1. Motivated offenders 2. suitable target, and 3. lack of capable guardianship (e.g., streets with bars and drug markets↑)
        (Smith, Frazee, and Davison 2000; Haberman and Ratcliffe 2015; Day et al. 2012; Ratcliffe 2012)
    3. Crime pattern theory (Brantingham and Brantingham 1984, 1993)
      • Criminal behavior follows a similar pattern
        • Crime commitment results from the synergy of offender, crime target, specific time, location, and environment
      • E.g., the spatial distribution of land uses → daily movement patterns → predict the location of potential crimes
        (Brantingham and Brantingham 1995; Lambert, Brantingham, and Brantingham 2019).
      • 4 types of urban sites:
        (Brantingham and Brantingham 1995)
        Some urban facilities will not only affect crime on the nodes but will also influence the spatial distribution of urban crime with their overall layouts at street network level
        • crime generators,
        • crime attractors,
        • crime-neutral sites,
        • and fear generators
    4. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) theory ("environment–people–environment” interaction; Jeffery 1971)
      • Elements that are conducive to criminal behavior in an environment → signal of “crime permission."
      • Proper urban environmental design and management → crime permission↓& crime prevention (Jeffery 1971; Jeffery and Zahm 2004).
      • Six core strategies: territoriality, surveillance, access control, target hardening, image maintenance, and activity support
        • cf) Natural surveillance and access control strategies limit the opportunity for crime. Territorial reinforcement promotes social control through a variety of measures. Image/maintenance and activity support provide the community with reassurance and the ability to inhibit crime by citizen activities. Target hardening strategies round up all of these techniques to resolve crime into one final step.
        • cf) Territorial reinforcement promotes social control through increased definition of space and improved proprietary concern. (e.g., Display security system signage at access points.)
        • cf) Natural access control limits the opportunity for crime by taking steps to clearly differentiate between public space and private space.
        • cf) Maintenance is an expression of ownership of property.
        • cf) Activity support increases the use of a built environment for safe activities with the intent of increasing the risk of detection of criminal and undesirable activities.
    5. Defensible space theory (≒ CPTED; Newman 1972)
      CPTED랑 거의 같다고 보면 됨, 같이 통용되기도 함
      • Territorial marker, natural surveillance, and improvement on the existing structure of residential areas can reduce crime effectively
      • E.g., natural surveillance: streets and parking lots cannot be seen from the residence → crime↑


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